• Exam English on December 8th, 2020
  • trampadecristal
  • 14.10.2020
  • Englisch
  • 5, 6
Um die Lizenzinformationen zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte den gewünschten Inhalt an.
Listen and complete the information. What do Jo and Dan have got? What do Dan and Jo need for the school? What don´t they need for the school?
(Höre und ergänze mit der fehlenden Information. Was haben Jo und Dan? Was brauchen Dan und Jo für die Schule? Was brauchen sie nicht?)
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  • They´ve got...
    _________________________________________________________________________ .
  • They need...
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
  • They don´t need...
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Complete the sentences. (Vervollständige die Sätze)
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  • -Hello. My __________________ Ben.
    +Hi, Ben. ______________ Jessica.
    - How __________ you, Jessica?
    +______ eleven. What about ________?
    -Oh, ___________ ten ____________ old.
  • - Hello. ________ Emma. What´s _______________ ?
    +__________, ______________ Oliver.
    - Where are ____________________, Oliver?
    + I´m __________ London. ________________________?
    - ____________________ from London too.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. (Vervollständige die Sätze mit der richtigen Form des Verbs to be oder have got)
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  • Molly ________________ my friend.
  • Victor and you ___________________ a computer.
  • I _______________ your new teacher.
  • You _________________ a raincoat.
  • Lisa _________________ a dog.
  • Jo and Dan ____________ brothers.
Fill the blanks with the present simple of the verbs in brackets. Remember that: + means positive and - means negative.
(Vervollständige die Lücken im Präsens)
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  • Janet _____________ (watch) a movie on TV. (+)
  • The girl ____________________ (finish) her homework. (-)
  • My father _______________ (fix) the computer. (-)
  • The children _________________ (visit) their grandmother. (+)
  • I normally ____________ (talk) to John on the phone. (-)
  • Babies ________________ (like) to clap their hands. (+)
  • Helen _________________ (brush) her tooth every day. (+)
  • Karen ad Sara _______________ (play) the guitar. (+)
  • Leon __________________ (sing) very well. (-)
  • Ms. Romero _________________ (speak) Spanish. (+)
Order the words to make questions. Remember to use the auxiliar verb to do
(Ordne die Wörter und bilde die Fragen auf Englisch richtig. Vergiss bitte nicht, das Auxiliarverb to do, zu benutzen!)
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  • in the cinema - watch - movies - you ?
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
  • the students - talk - so loud ?
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
  • cook - your mother - bad ?
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
  • they - brothers and sisters - have ?
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Write the word right. (Schreibe die Wörter richtig)
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  • FIRDYA ________________________
  • MNTUAU _______________________
  • SECA LIPECN ____________________
  • THBROER ___________________
  • DENEEWK ____________________
Answer the following questions. (Antworte auf die Fragen)
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  • What´s your name?
    ________________________________________________________________________ .
  • Do you have brothers and sisters? How many?
    _______________________________________________________________________ .
  • What is your father´s name?
    _______________________________________________________________________ .
  • Where are you from? _______________________________________________________________________ .
  • How old are your mother?
    _______________________________________________________________________ .
  • Do you play football everyday?
    _______________________________________________________________________ .
  • Can you swim? ______________________________________________________________________ .
  • Can you speak Arabic? ______________________________________________________________________ .
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