• Channel 10 Critically thinking about Apartheid
  • Sascha Lesum
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 10
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South Afri­ca's Apart­heid Sys­tem

Ra­cism has been a big topic in South Afri­ca's his­to­ry for hundreds of years. Today still well-​known is the sys­tem of Apart­heid in South Afri­ca, which ended in 1994, when Nel­son Man­de­la be­ca­me the first black Pre­si­dent of South Afri­ca.

Apart­heid Sign English-​Afrikaans
Your task is to ex­plain to our au­di­ence what Apart­heid was, when it took place, who Nel­son Man­de­la was and what you per­so­nal­ly think about ra­cism.
  • Nutze dazu das Maß­band
In groups of three stu­dents (take a look at the Group Box), you are going to crea­te a movie with the app Plo­t­a­gon. Crea­te three dif­fe­rent sce­nes which be­long toge­ther, in which you ans­wer the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons:
  • What is Apart­heid?
  • When did the sys­tem of Apart­heid begin?
  • How did it hap­pen in South Afri­ca? Give ex­amp­les.
  • When and why did Apart­heid end?
  • Who was Nel­son Man­de­la and why was he so im­portant for South Afri­ca?
  • Is there still ra­cism in South Afri­ca today?
  • What do you per­so­nal­ly think about ra­cism/apart­heid?
Nel­son Man­de­la
Be aware that you are not al­lo­wed to use the com­pu­ter voices in Plo­t­a­gon! Use your own voice for the dia­lo­gues!
Tipp 1

Plo­t­a­gon is a re­al­ly cool app. But you get ea­si­ly dis­trac­ted when using it. Stay con­cen­tra­ted on your task!!!

Be crea­ti­ve and pro­duc­ti­ve!!!
Your movie must be fi­nis­hed on co­ming Fri­day!!!
Tip 2

Use the fol­lo­wing qr-​codes to gather in­for­ma­ti­on about the topic. Some web­sites are in Ger­man. Use www.deepl.com to trans­la­te what you need for your video!

Group Box



