1. You can use to keep your skin soft.
2. I won't be this evening because I need to walk the dog.
3. If you food and drinks, it goes through a chemical change because of the action of bacteria, which may cause it to produce heat.
4. As soon as the apple is you can eat it.
5. When equipment is used by many people it is used on a .
Klick on the link to revise and learn your vocab using Quizlet!
Now it's your turn! Work in pairs!
Imagine you are Mariella, Francisca or Angel. You want to introduce yourself as well as your thoughts of Conacado and Fairtrade in general to a stranger. Write an introduction based on the video you watched.
Include the following points:
- their personal change since they joined Conacado.
- how their life and the lives of their family members and friends have changed.
- what future projects they would like to do in their communities.
(~150 words).
Ambrosia has already finished her introduction. Watch the video to find out what she has to say :)
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