Auch in dieser Woche biete ich euch wieder an, in einer Videokonferenz eure Fragen zu beantworten und euch zu helfen. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob das Fragen zu den Bausteinen, zu Übungen aus den Materialpaketen, zu Vokabeln, zu Grammatik oder zum Wetter draußen sind. Also nutzt das Angebot. Der Link ist:
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pIhr habt jetzt schon einiges Neues gelernt. Aber es ist immer wieder auch mal sinnvoll, dass man zurückblickt und nochmal Dinge wiederholt, die schon länger her sind. /ppDeswegen liegt der Fokus diese Woche auf Übungen zur Grammatik und zu Vokabeln der Units 1-3. Guckt euch die Sachen gerne nochmal im Buch an, versucht aber zunächst das Ganze ohne Hilfe zu erledigen. Denn erst dann wisst ihr, wo ihr noch besonders dran arbeiten müsst. /p
Berry, look ill today. Are alright?
to bemuss hier eingesetzt werden? (Das Plus oder Minus hinter der Lücke zeigt dir, ob es eine bejahte oder eine verneinte Aussage ist.
1) The new timetable (+) great. We have only four lessons on Friday.
2) We (+) in class 7Y.
3) Berry and Adam (-) the best friends.
4) I (-) good in maths.
5) "You (+) Luca, right? I (+) Adam.
6) She (-) twelve. She (+) only eleven.
problems in Ellie's family. She and Zoe share a bedroom. But arguements (Streitereien) all the time.
Ellie wants to live with her dad and his new partner, Alisha. also a baby. His name is Finn. Ellie likes Alisha and Finn. a good atmosphere. But Ellie's Mum Jackie misses Ellie. But nothing Ellie can do. She doesn't want to live with Zoe in one room anymore.
1) In our classroom, a board.
2) footballs.
3) rules on posters on the wall.
4) a playstation.
5) chairs and tables.
Luca and his family love to go to (restaurant). Usually, they go there by car, because at night, the (bus) don't drive anymore. On the ride to the restaurant, Luca's dad likes to tell some (story). The really love a story, where a man with too many (fish] in his boat sinks, because it's really funny. The (boy) laugh loudly. Only Grace looks out of the window of the car. She likes the (light) of the (city) and enjoys that she is not in one of the (village) around.
There (be) a young man. He (be) a fisherman. He (go) out on the sea with his boat. But this man (be) greedy (gierig). He always (want) more fish than the other fishermen. He (laugh) about them. Haha, you (have not) enough fish to become rich (reich werden).
The other fishermen just (go) away. Only an old one (answer): We (have) enough fish to live. But you will have so much fish, that you die (sterben) of it.
Some time later, the young fisherman (have) a good day. He (find) so many fish, that his boat (get) fuller and fuller. The old fisherman (see) that and (say): Watch out (Pass auf), your boat (be) too full.
But it's too late. The boat (start) to sink. The young fisherman can swim to the boat of the old fisherman. The old fisherman (say): It (be not) good to want always more. Sometimes it is better to be happy with what you (have)
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