• Feedback Book Presentation
  • schmjo
  • 19.01.2024
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Your sum­ma­ry of the book was ... (clear, easy to fol­low, con­fu­sing, ...)

It would be great to hear more about ...

Your pre­sen­ta­ti­on on the book ... was ...

I think you for­got to talk about...


The part about ... was very de­tailed.

In my opi­ni­on the part about ... was too long/short.

Your choice of words was good (bad). I un­der­stood (didn't un­der­stand) ever­y­thing you said.

Your pro­nun­ci­a­ti­on was ...

Your sen­ten­ces were short and easy to fol­low (long and dif­fi­cult to fol­low).

Lan­guage / Pre­sen­ta­ti­on skills

I could hear a few (a lot of) mista­kes.

The gram­mar you used was ...

The speed of the pre­sen­ta­ti­on was ...

You loo­ked very con­fi­dent.

You were a litt­le shy.

I could see that you were ner­vous.

The text size on the pos­ter/pre­sen­ta­ti­on was ...

In my opi­ni­on your use of co­lour was ...

I think your pos­ter/ power point was ...

I like that you loo­ked at us while you were spe­a­king.

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on / Pos­ter

(Not) All the in­for­ma­ti­on on your pre­sen­ta­ti­on/pos­ter are re­le­vant. For ex­amp­le...

Your pre­sen­ta­ti­on was (not) well or­ga­nis­ed.

Your pos­ter/pre­sen­ta­ti­on had a good over­all im­pact.

Words you could use when gi­ving feed­back:

  • I feel that…, I’ve noti­ced that…, It seems to me that…, I’m not sure about…, In my opi­ni­on..., I think that..., I liked that..., I didn't like that..., Next time you could try...
  • well or­ga­ni­zed, well struc­tu­red, simp­le, re­le­vant, not re­le­vant, ex­ci­ting, con­fu­sing, fle­xi­ble, fo­cu­sed, de­tailed, in­spi­ra­ti­o­nal, clear, in­for­ma­ti­ve, sus­pen­se­ful, bo­ring, thought­ful,…