• Fractions on Number Lines
  • anonym
  • 31.01.2025
  • 4
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Frac­tions on Num­ber Lines
Write the frac­tion of the sha­ded area.

Next, we want to com­ple­te some num­ber lines with frac­tions. To find the de­no­mi­na­tor (bot­tom) we can ask the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­on: Bet­ween 0 and 1, into how many pieces is the num­ber line di­vi­ded? The num­ber line in our ex­amp­le is di­vi­ded into 2 pieces bet­ween 0 and 1. The­re­fo­re, the de­no­mi­na­tor has to be 2. The nu­me­ra­tor is coun­ted th­rough: At the first line we would write 0 as the nu­me­ra­tor, which makes the whole frac­tion equal to 0. On the se­cond line the nu­me­ra­tor is 1. And on the last line the nu­me­ra­tor is 2. Be­cau­se the nu­me­ra­tor and the de­no­mi­na­tor are both 2 and the­re­fo­re the same num­ber, it is equal to 1.

Com­ple­te the fol­lo­wing num­ber lines.
Con­nect the frac­tions to their cor­rect place on the num­ber line.
On the num­ber line, mark ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly where the fol­lo­wing frac­tions are lo­ca­ted. Write the frac­tion in its simp­lest form un­der­ne­ath.