• free media
  • Wiki_Lehrerin
  • 03.04.2024
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Free media? What is the text about.

Fin­ish the sen­tences about the text “Free media?” using re­por­ted speech.

Use these sen­tences from the text:
- ... we are sur­roun­ded by a never-​ending flood of in­form­a­tion.
- ... the in­form­a­tion you read or hear is true?
- ... Hong Kong was re­turned to China by the Brit­ish in 1997.
- ... China has slowly begun to in­crease its con­trol over the news.
- ... think the media in Ger­many is free?
- ... prob­lem is that most of it is un­filtered and hard to con­trol.
- ... re­stric­tions will not keep people from com­mu­nic­at­ing with each other.

The text sta­ted that ...

... we were sur­roun­ded by never-​ending flood of in­for­ma­ti­on.

In the text the ques­ti­on was rai­sed whe­ther ...

The rea­der was in­for­med that ...

The text clai­med that ...

The rea­der was asked if he/she ...

It was men­ti­o­ned that ...

The hope was sta­ted that ...

The in­ter­net and so­cial media crea­ted a huge new world and new pos­si­bi­li­ties. Think of dan­gers - pro­blems -​possibilities - chan­ces, etc. and crea­te a word cloud.
  • Use this link https://www.wortwolke24.de/.
    The head­line could be media.
    Click the but­ton: Meine Wort­wol­ke soll nicht ...
  • Take a screen­shot. Show it to a part­ner and talk about your ideas and thoughts.
    You can say: To me, so­cial media means ...
    In my opi­ni­on a huge pro­blem is ...
    From what I know, it is great that ...
One huge pro­blem in the on­line world is cy­ber­bul­ly­ing. Bul­ly­ing has al­ways exis­ted, but the in­ter­net and so­cial media make it ea­sier to spre­ad hate and also to de­le­te it.