Divide the players into two teams. Half of the players of one team stand at one goal, the other half at the diagonally opposite goal.
Assign a total of at least 8 field players (maximum 16 field players) always to two starting points. In addition, two goalkeepers are placed.
As material, 4 benches are placed at the center line in a V-shape for passing. Four starting cones are set up and two balls are placed at each starting point.
Players 1A of team blue and red dribble at the same time, play a double pass with the bench and then pass to the diagonally opposite partner, who dribbles past the opponent on the inside and finishes.
Both players 1A run to the opposite goal, play a fly ball to the partner, who finishes it again after turning in. Subsequently, the game is played two-on-two.
Pre-orientation, take eyes off the ball and target partner. Timing, processing and taking the inside shot. Likewise, one-on-one behavior is an important observation point.
Partners start at the same goal distributed on both posts.
Player 1 passes to player 2 and runs behind him, while player 2 runs to the far post and counter-plays so that player 1 can pick up the ball and shoot at the far goal.
(to) dribble
(to) divide
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