• Getting to know Wales
  • anonym
  • 01.10.2023
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Get­ting to know Wales

Read these texts about Wales. Note down the most im­portant facts in your mind-​map.
Dis­cuss your fin­dings with your part­ner and note down their facts in your mind-​map.
new words

po­pu­la­ti­on- Be­völ­ke­rungs­zahl

ca­pi­tal - Haupt­stadt

ex­pe­ri­ence - Er­fah­rung

bi­lin­gu­al - zwei­spra­chig

Celtic - kel­tisch

Get­ting to know Wales

Read these texts about Wales. Note down the most im­portant facts in your mind-​map.
Dis­cuss your fin­dings with your part­ner and note down their facts in your mind-​map.
new words

steel - Stahl

once - einst/ehe­mals

per cent (%)

ma­nu­fac­tu­ring -​Fabrik/ Pro­duk­ti­on

health and so­cial ser­vices - Gesundheits-​/ So­zi­al­we­sen

rugby grounds- Rugby Sport­platz

to pro­mo­te - un­ter­stüt­zen
