• Giving an opinion
  • anonym
  • 20.12.2022
  • Englisch
  • 6, 7, 8
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Gi­ving an opi­ni­on - What do you think of...?

Sort the ex­pres­sions from the box into to table. You can work with a part­ner or by yours­elf.

I re­al­ly like it / him / her / them. - It's / He's / She's / They're ok. - I ab­so­lute­ly adore it / him / her / them. - I hate it / him / her / them. - It's / He's / She's / They're ter­ri­ble. - I don't like it / him / her / them. - I ab­so­lute­ly de­test it / him / her / them. - It's / She's / He's / They're fan­ta­stic. - It's / He's / She's / They're awful. - It's / He's / She's / They're great. - I love it / him / her / them.

:-) :-) :-)




:-( :-( :-(

Read the fol­lo­wing text. High­light all ex­amp­les of ex­pres­sing an opi­ni­on and the verbs af­ter­wards.
  • Com­ple­te:
    Ex­pres­si­on of opi­ni­on + verb + _____
Talk to a fel­low stu­dent in the class­room. Ask him or her about the ac­ti­vi­ties in the text.
  • For ex­amp­le:
    Do you like ha­ving a long bub­ble bath?