The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day
mix and match: Christmas in English-speaking countires
a) a popular side dish, especially during festive meals or as part of a Sunday roast
1) custom
b) the remaining or uneaten portion of a meal that has not been consumed during the original serving
2) multicultural
3) statue(s)
c) a special day that comes after Christmas Day, usually on December 26th
d) large, solid sculptures or artistic representations,
typically made of stone, metal, or other durable materials
4) exchange (gifts)
e) pictures or photos that show how something looks
5) leftover food
f) refers to a situation or society that includes people from many different cultures or cultural backgrounds
6) stocking(s)
g) the act of giving something and receiving something else in return
7) roast potatoe(s)
h) because of or caused by
8) Boxing Day
i) a traditional or common way of doing things in a
particular society or group
9) image(s)
j) a small number or a small amount of something
10) due to
k) customs, beliefs, and practices that are passed down from generation to generation within a community or culture
11) few
l) can be defined as a piece of clothing worn on the foot and leg, typically made of a thin material, covering the lower part of the leg and sometimes the foot
12) tradition(s)
can you guess?
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day
Christmas happens in the
The next day is for eating leftover food and watching TV together as a family
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