A speech always has some kind of goal that the speaker wants to achieve. When you're asked to analyze a speech, you want to make clear what that goal is and what tools they are using to achieve it.
Before you begin the writing process you should:
- read the speech carefully at least twice
- higlight the information needed for the introduction
- highlight arguments made by the speaker
- highlight any special pronouns or unusual words that you come across
- highlight any stylistic devices that you notice
Briefly summarize
- the speaker (who),
- the date (when),
- the location (where),
- the topic (what),
- the occasion (why) and
- the audience (to whom).
The body of a speech analysis consists of three different parts:
1. Analysis of content: Briefly summarize the content of the speech.
2. Analysis of arguments: Examine how and why the speaker presents which arguments.
3. Language analysis: Analyze stylistic devices, pronouns (we, you), kind of language
(formal vs informal),
in a video: also analyze nonverbal communication, intonation, pace and stress
Summarize the results of your analysis and then give your own opinion.
Try to make sure that the last sentence finishes your thought neatly.
Don't give your own opinion anywhere before this part.
- use the simple present tense
- use your time to highlight things in the text or take notes before you begin writing
- make sure to always mention why the speaker said something in a certain way
- don't write overly complex sentences when you don't need to
- check for mistakes regarding spelling, grammar or punctuation at the end
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