• How to: Speech Analysis
  • B.Kuhlbrodt
  • 15.04.2024
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 11
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A speech al­ways has some kind of goal that the spe­a­ker wants to achie­ve. When you're asked to ana­ly­ze a speech, you want to make clear what that goal is and what tools they are using to achie­ve it.


Be­fo­re you begin the wri­ting pro­cess you should:

- read the speech ca­re­ful­ly at least twice

- hig­light the in­for­ma­ti­on nee­ded for the in­tro­duc­tion

- high­light ar­gu­ments made by the spe­a­ker

- high­light any spe­cial pro­nouns or unusu­al words that you come across

- high­light any sty­li­stic de­vices that you noti­ce



Briefly sum­ma­ri­ze

- the spe­a­ker (who),

- the date (when),

- the lo­ca­ti­on (where),

- the topic (what),

- the oc­ca­si­on (why) and

- the au­di­ence (to whom).


The body of a speech ana­ly­sis con­sists of three dif­fe­rent parts:

1. Ana­ly­sis of con­tent: Briefly sum­ma­ri­ze the con­tent of the speech.

2. Ana­ly­sis of ar­gu­ments: Ex­ami­ne how and why the spe­a­ker pres­ents which ar­gu­ments.

3. Lan­guage ana­ly­sis: Ana­ly­ze sty­li­stic de­vices, pro­nouns (we, you), kind of lan­guage

(for­mal vs in­for­mal),

in a video: also ana­ly­ze non­ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, in­to­na­ti­on, pace and stress


Sum­ma­ri­ze the re­sults of your ana­ly­sis and then give your own opi­ni­on.

Try to make sure that the last sen­tence fi­nis­hes your thought ne­at­ly.

Don't give your own opi­ni­on an­y­whe­re be­fo­re this part.


- use the simp­le pre­sent tense

- use your time to high­light things in the text or take notes be­fo­re you begin wri­ting

- make sure to al­ways men­ti­on why the spe­a­ker said so­me­thing in a cer­tain way

- don't write over­ly com­plex sen­ten­ces when you don't need to

- check for mista­kes re­gar­ding spel­ling, gram­mar or punc­tu­a­ti­on at the end
