• How to Write a Comment
  • J. Schmitz
  • 26.02.2023
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Wri­ting a Com­ment

Should plastic straws be ban­ned?
  • Do you use plastic straws yours­elf? Why/Why not?
  • Do you think they are necess­a­ry for people with dis­abi­li­ties and me­di­cal con­di­ti­ons?
  • What are the ad­van­ta­ges and di­sad­van­ta­ges of using plastic straws?
  • Are there any al­ter­na­ti­ves to plastic straws?
  • Write a com­ment ex­pres­sing your opi­ni­on (200 words mi­ni­mum) on the topic. Make sure to use pro­per gram­mar, spel­ling, and punc­tu­a­ti­on.

Here are some chunks that can help you im­pro­ve your comments:

1. Tran­si­ti­on Mar­kers:

- First­ly, Se­cond­ly, Third­ly, Fi­nal­ly

- In ad­di­ti­on... Fur­ther­mo­re... Mo­reo­ver...

- On the other hand... Howe­ver...

- Ne­verthe­less... In con­clu­si­on... To sum up... Over­all...

2. Best Prac­ti­ce Terms:

- It is worth no­ting that...

- One pos­si­ble so­lu­ti­on is...

- From my per­spec­ti­ve...

- In my opi­ni­on...

- It seems to me that...

- In ge­ne­ral, I agree/dis­agree with...

- Based on the evi­den­ce pro­vi­ded...

- Ano­ther im­portant point to con­sider is...

- In light of the in­for­ma­ti­on pre­sen­ted...

3. Sen­tence Star­ters:

- In re­spon­se to topic, I be­lie­ve that...

- When con­side­ring topic, it is im­portant to...

- Alt­hough some may argue op­po­sing view, I main­tain that...

- A major issue with topic is...

- One po­ten­ti­al so­lu­ti­on to pro­blem is...

- As evi­den­ce/source sug­gests...

- For ex­amp­le...


Un­der­score tran­si­ti­on mar­kers, best prac­ti­se terms, and sen­tence star­ters in the fol­lo­wing com­ment:

Plastic straws are a big prob­lem for the en­vir­on­ment, and I think they should be banned to help the planet. The main reason is that they take hun­dreds of years to break down, and when they do, they can harm an­im­als in the ocean. There are other kinds of straws that are bet­ter for the en­vir­on­ment, like paper straws or metal straws that can be used again and again.

Some people say that we need plastic straws for people with dis­ab­il­it­ies or ill­nesses. How­ever, there are other kinds of straws that can work for them, like soft sil­ic­one straws or metal straws that bend. These op­tions are both more sus­tain­able and re­usable.

For ex­ample, one way to help stop plastic straw waste is to ask res­taur­ants and cafes to use bet­ter straws or only give them out if people ask for them. We can also teach people about how plastic af­fects the planet and how using other kinds of straws can help. Ad­di­tion­ally, we can en­cour­age people to carry re­usable straws with them, so they al­ways have one on hand and don't need to use dis­pos­able plastic straws.

In con­clu­sion, I be­lieve that plastic straws should be banned com­pletely to help the planet. We can use other kinds of straws and make small changes to help make the world a bet­ter place. It is im­port­ant that we take care of the en­vir­on­ment and make sus­tain­able choices to pre­serve our planet's health for fu­ture gen­er­a­tions.

break down = zer­fal­len; dis­abi­li­ty - Ein­schrän­kung; en­vi­ron­ment - Um­welt; to ban sth. - etwas ver­bie­ten; plastic straws - Plastik-​Strohhalme;
