• Klassenarbeit - Animals
  • anonym
  • 02.05.2024
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Task 1 - Re­a­ding: The Polar Bear

Read the text and fill out the ani­mal fact file with the in­for­ma­ti­on from the text.

Polar bears live in the ice and snow in the Arc­tic. Five coun­t­ries have polar bears: Den­mark, Nor­way, Rus­sia, the US and Ca­na­da. Polar bears have white fur. They are very big ani­mals. Male polar bears can be up to 3 m long and weigh 680 kg. Fe­ma­le polar bears can be up to 2.5 m long and weigh 250 kg. They live out­si­de, near the water. Polar bears eat other ani­mals like seals, wal­ru­ses and wha­les. They don’t eat every day, but they eat a lot when they have lots of food. Polar bears have to walk very slow­ly be­cau­se they are very big! They can run, but not very far. They can swim very well. They live for about 25 years. Polar bears are in trou­ble. People so­me­times kill polar bears for their fur. And the world is get­ting war­mer and the ice in the Arc­tic is mel­ting. Polar bears can’t hunt ani­mals wit­hout ice, so lots of polar bears are hungry.

Polar bears live in the ice and snow in the Arc­tic. Five coun­t­ries have polar bears: Den­mark, Nor­way, Rus­sia, the US and Ca­na­da. Polar bears have white fur. They are very big ani­mals. Male polar bears can be up to 3 m long and weigh 680 kg. Fe­ma­le polar bears can be up to 2.5 m long and weigh 250 kg. They live out­si­de, near the water. Polar bears eat other ani­mals like seals, wal­ru­ses and wha­les. They don’t eat every day, but they eat a lot when they have lots of food. Polar bears have to walk very slow­ly be­cau­se they are very big! They can run, but not very far. They can swim very well. They live for about 25 years. Polar bears are in trou­ble. People so­me­times kill polar bears for their fur. And the world is get­ting war­mer and the ice in the Arc­tic is mel­ting. Polar bears can’t hunt ani­mals wit­hout ice, so lots of polar bears are hungry.


Task 1 - Re­a­ding: The Polar Bear






Life Span

It can

It can't

Interesting to know

Task 2 - Wri­ting: The Lynx

De­scri­be how the Lynx looks. Pay at­ten­ti­on to all body parts.
  • Info: The Lynx can be up to 130 cm long and weighs up to 30 kgs.

Task 3 - Gram­mar: The Simp­le Pre­sent

Fill in the blanks with the cor­rect form of the verb.

1. My father (go) to of­fice every day.

2. I (want) to be a fa­mous sin­ger.

3. My sis­ter (sing) very well.

4. Se­li­ne and Frank (go) to school every mor­ning.

5. My dog (like) to chase cats.

6. My pa­rents (cook) de­li­cious meals.

7. The rab­bit (run) fast.

8. She (wear) a new shirt every day.

9. My fri­ends (enjoy) re­a­ding books.

10. My class and I (learn) Eng­lish at school.

Task 4 - Gram­mar: The Simp­le Pre­sent - Ques­ti­ons

Ask ques­ti­ons for the given sen­ten­ces.

1. I like to swim.

2. You run re­al­ly fast.

3. My fa­mi­ly and I eat break­fast every day.

4. Franz speaks Ger­man.

5. Susi rides her bike every day.

Task 5 - Gram­mar: Pre­po­si­ti­ons

Label the pic­tures with the cor­rect pre­po­si­ti­ons.