• Kopie von: Design a Quiz
  • anonym
  • 31.05.2024
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Ro­bin­son Cru­soe: Chap­ter 1


Crea­te a quiz for the class with 6 ques­ti­ons about the first chap­ter. The class has to find the right ans­wer.

Keep in mind: You have to know the right ans­wer.

How many sib­lings does Ro­bin­son Cru­soe have?

A: 4 sis­ters
B: 1 brot­her
C: 2 brot­hers and a sis­ter
D: He does not have any brot­hers or sis­ters

Right ans­wer: B: 1 brot­her
You need: The first chapter of Robinson Crusoe and 6 questions and the right answers

Time: 20 minutes

Your role: