• Kopie von: Evaluation grid Podcast
  • anonym
  • 19.07.2024
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Girl Power - a Pod­cast

Du­ring the last few les­sons, you have sel­ec­ted a fe­ma­le ar­tist, did re­se­arch on her, collec­ted a lot of in­for­ma­ti­on, writ­ten a script, tried out se­ve­r­al Apps, re­cor­ded sam­ple au­di­os and, in the end, came up with a fi­nis­hed Pod­cast epi­so­de on your ar­tist. :)

Now, I want to give you some feed­back on your work. In the fol­lo­wing grid, you will be able to see where your work has been good or even ex­cel­lent and also what you still need to work on.




Time frame 5-8 mi­nu­tes?


Equal dis­tri­bu­ti­on of speech?


Audio sam­ple


Lan­guage (Gram­mar, Vo­ca­bu­la­ry, Pro­nun­ci­a­ti­on)


Struc­tu­re (In­tro­duc­tion, main part, con­clu­si­on)




In­clu­ded all tasks?

- ge­ne­ral in­for­ma­ti­on on the ar­tist

- her ca­re­er/com­mer­cial suc­cess

- her achie­vements both in music in­dus­try and in life

- ac­ti­vism?

- im­pact on the music in­dus­try?

- im­pact on so­cie­ty?

