• Kopie von: Leistungskontrolle Since and For
  • anonym
  • 12.10.2021
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Which words are used for SINCE and wich words are used for FOR?
4 / 4
  • my Bir­th­day, two days, a while, 1989, June, yes­ter­day, 45 mi­nu­tes, ever



Which gram­mat­cial tense is built with a form of be and the past parti­ciple?
1 / 1
Read the following text. There are some grammatical (since/for, tense, sentence structure) mistakes (4) . Find them, mark them and correct them!
4 / 4

My name is Tina. I am from America and I have live in Leipzig for 2 years. My favourite hobby is playing the piano. I have been for 5 years playing the piano. I have also a little sister, last year she has been playing the guitar since. My favorite movie is Captain America, he looks really great! He plays also a part in "Endgame". "Endgame" is in the cinema for May and I am looking forward to watch it this weekend.

There is a rule when to use SINCE and when to use FOR. Please fill in the following gaps with the suiting rule! If you know the rule in German you get only 1 point, but if you know it in German and in English, you get 1 extra point.
2 / 2

SINCE = of time /

FOR = of time /

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