• language sheet
  • KatharinaPeters
  • 24.04.2024
  • Englisch
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Using lan­guage and parti­cu­lar­ly sty­li­stic de­vices have a huge im­pact on the rea­ders and lis­te­ners for what re­a­son the lan­guage use has al­ways a spe­ci­fic func­tion.

The lec­tu­re by Adi­chie in­clu­des spe­ci­fic lan­guage use and sty­li­stic de­vices which you are going to ana­ly­se.
Plea­se focus on the lan­guage aspects below.

re­gis­ter : in­for­mal or for­mal lan­guage

choice of words : use of ad­jec­ti­ves or ad­verbs; nouns etc.

use of na­ti­ve words : does she use Ni­ge­ri­an lan­gu­ages?

re­pe­ti­ti­on : sin­gle words or phra­ses ap­pear se­ve­r­al times

un­der­state­ment: fi­gu­re of speech used to in­ten­ti­o­nal­ly make a si­tu­a­ti­on seem less im­portant than it is.

ex­amp­le : a way of hel­ping so­me­o­ne to un­der­stand a topic or si­tu­a­ti­on in a bet­ter way.

con­trast : crea­ting a strong ef­fect by con­nec­ting two op­po­sing ex­tre­mes

humor : a li­te­r­a­ry tool to crea­te amu­se­ment or laugh­ter to the au­di­ence.
