Direct strategies
memory strategies
> to remember more effectively - flashcards to remember new vocabulary
cognitive strategies
> to use all one’s mental processes - trying to identify patterns in English
compensation strategies
> to compensate for missing knowledge - guessing the meaning for unfamiliar words
Indirect strategies
metacognitive strategies
> for organizing and evaluating learning - noticing mistakes
affective strategies
> for managing emotions - noticing anxiety when using English
social strategies
>for learning with others - asking for clarification
visual learner
learns best by seeing, visualizing, drawing, diagramming, etc. in other words, you “know something by seeing it”
Tips: - highlight as you read
study cards
draw diagrams, illustrations; make charts
auditory learner
learns best by listening, talking to others and self, in other words, they “know something by hearing it”
Tips: - read aloud
tape the lectures
describe diagrams, illustrations and charts out loud
kinesthetic learner
learns best by doing, through movement and physical activity and by using a “hands-on” approach
Tips: - trace your fingers across lines of the text
take notes – write to keep yourself involved
use lots of movement – talk with you hands, change position and location
But in general:
highlight and study cards
good lecture notes with ‘recall’ column
frequent review
keep up with assignments
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