• Lernzeit KW 35 - Class 6D
  • anonym
  • 30.08.2023
  • Englisch
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Pre­sent Ten­ses
  • Setze das Verb in der kor­rek­ten Form in die Lücke ein.
  • Er­stel­le fünf ei­ge­ne Sätze. Ori­en­tie­re dich dabei an den Bei­spiel­sät­zen. Schrei­be diese in dein Eng­lisch Heft.

immer wie­der

nor­mal­ly, usu­al­ly, etc.

jetzt ge­ra­de

right now, at the mo­ment, etc.

I often eat Pizza on Mon­day,

but today I am ea­ting la­sa­gna.

My fri­ends often play out­si­de in the sum­mer,

but right now they are wat­ching a movie in­si­de.

Anna does her ho­me­work every evening,

but today she __________________ (read) a comic.

Mi­cha­el and Senna ________ (read) ever­y­day be­fo­re bed

but today they _______________ (play) a game on their pho­nes.

The Mil­lers ___________ (go) to Spain every sum­mer,

but this year they _____________ (go) to Italy.

Mu­ham­mad ___________ (train) ever­y­day to get bet­ter at soc­cer,

but right now he ______________ (take) a break.

Les­lie and John _________________ (visit) their uncle every Sun­day,

but this week they can't go be­cau­se ______________ (ride) their bikes with fri­ends.

Paul's sis­ter __________ (help) her mom ever­y­day,

but today she _________________ (visit) her grand­ma.

My fri­ends _________ (play) out­si­de every af­ter­noon

but today they _____________ (learn) for a vo­ca­bu­la­ry test.

Our teacher ____________ (be) al­ways fri­end­ly,

but today he ______________ (yell) at us.


immer wie­der

nor­mal­ly, usu­al­ly, etc.

jetzt ge­ra­de

right now, at the mo­ment, etc.

I often eat Pizza on Mon­day,

but today I am ea­ting la­sa­gna.

My fri­ends often play out­si­de in the sum­mer,

but right now they are wat­ching a movie in­si­de.

Anna does her ho­me­work every evening,

but today she is re­a­ding a comic.

Mi­cha­el and Senna read ever­y­day be­fo­re bed

but today they are play­ing a game on their pho­nes.

The Mil­lers go to Spain every sum­mer,

but this year they are going to Italy.

Mu­ham­mad trains ever­y­day to get bet­ter at soc­cer,

but right now he is ta­king a break.

Les­lie and John visit their uncle every Sun­day,

but this week they can't go be­cau­se are ri­ding their bikes with fri­ends.

Paul's sis­ter helps her mom ever­y­day,

but today she is vi­si­ting her grand­ma.

My fri­ends play out­si­de every af­ter­noon

but today they are lear­ning for a vo­ca­bu­la­ry test.

Our teacher is al­ways fri­end­ly,

but today he is yel­ling at us.
