• Lernzeit Kw 37 - Class 6D
  • anonym
  • 10.09.2023
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Put the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces into the cor­rect form of the Simp­le Past.
  • Setze die fol­gen­den Sätze in die kor­rek­te Form des 'Simp­le Past'

Today I play games. -> Yes­ter­day, I play­ed games.

This week, I call you. -> Last week, I cal­led you.

Today, I play bas­ket­ball with my fri­ends.

This week, we ex­plo­re a big mu­se­um.

This month, I taste tasty food from other coun­t­ries.

This year, I start lear­ning a new lan­guage.

Today, I stop by the park to play.

This week, we enjoy sunny days at the beach.

This month, I watch funny car­toons with my fa­mi­ly.

This year, I as­sist my mom with din­ner.

Today, I study geo­gra­phy in school.

This week, we visit a his­to­ric cas­t­le.

This month, I lis­ten to re­la­xing music.

This year, I carry heavy bags of gro­ce­ries.

Today, I visit my grand­pa­rents.

This week, we ex­plo­re a mys­te­rious fo­rest.

This month, I watch a beau­ti­ful sun­set.

This year, I learn about dif­fe­rent tra­di­ti­ons.

Today, I at­tempt to jump re­al­ly high.

This week, we visit a snowy moun­tain.

This month, I crea­te co­lor­ful art­work.

This year, I help my dad carry fur­ni­tu­re at home.

Yes­ter­day, I play­ed bas­ket­ball with my fri­ends.

Last week, we ex­plo­red a big mu­se­um.

Last month, I tas­ted tasty food from dif­fe­rent coun­t­ries.

Last year, I star­ted lear­ning a new lan­guage.

Yes­ter­day, I stop­ped by the park to play.

Last week, we en­joy­ed sunny days at the beach.

Last month, I wat­ched funny car­toons with my fa­mi­ly.

Last year, I as­sis­ted my mom with din­ner.

Yes­ter­day, I stu­di­ed geo­gra­phy in school.

Last week, we vi­si­ted a his­to­ric cas­t­le.

Last month, I lis­te­ned to re­la­xing music.

Last year, I car­ri­ed heavy bags of gro­ce­ries.

Yes­ter­day, I vi­si­ted my grand­pa­rents.

Last week, we ex­plo­red a mys­te­rious fo­rest.

Last month, I wat­ched a beau­ti­ful sun­set.

Last year, I lear­ned about dif­fe­rent tra­di­ti­ons.

Yes­ter­day, I at­temp­ted to jump re­al­ly high.

Last week, we vi­si­ted a snowy moun­tain.

Last month, I crea­ted co­lor­ful art­work.

Last year, I hel­ped my dad carry fur­ni­tu­re at home.
