• Listening Emu War
  • goldinik
  • 19.03.2024
  • Englisch
  • 9
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In this exer­ci­se, you will have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­han­ce your lis­te­ning skills by wat­ching a video and ans­we­ring the ac­com­pany­ing ques­ti­ons. Plea­se lis­ten ca­re­ful­ly, as we will only be wat­ching the video once.

Until which date was the war re­sche­du­led fol­lo­wing its post­po­ne­ment due to the rain?
1 / 1
How many sol­diers were led by the major at the first shoo­ting?
1 / 1
What was the tac­tic used by the Emus to avoid get­ting shot?
3 / 3
Why did the idea of moun­ting a gun on a truck fail?
2 / 2
How many rounds of am­mu­ni­ti­on did the sol­diers need for each kill in
the se­cond at­tempt?
1 / 1