• LK Australia English 9
  • anonym
  • 01.06.2024
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Test Aus­tra­lia

Facts about Aus­tra­lia: Choo­se the right ans­wer to each ques­ti­on.
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What is Aus­tra­lia's nick­na­me?
When did the Eu­rope­ans come to Aus­tra­lia?
Who are the Royal Fly­ing Doc­tors?
What is the Uluru?
Which ani­mal is a big pro­blem for Aus­tra­lia's wild­life?
The Ab­ori­gi­nal Aus­tra­li­ans:
What are the Sto­len Ge­ne­ra­ti­ons? Ex­plain the term with your own words.
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Simp­le pre­sent or simp­le past?
Fill in the gaps. Use the verb in the right tense.
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  • Two years ago, we (1. visit) the old his­to­ry mu­se­um in Syd­ney.
  • Last week, my dad (2. re­pair) my bike. But un­for­t­u­na­te­ly, he (3. for­get) to check the lights.
  • I usu­al­ly (4. visit) my fri­ends every week. But last Mon­day, I (5. not see) them.
  • Yes­ter­day, my mom (6. ask) me: Why you (7. play) these video games every day?
  • I (8. tell) my dad that I love him once a day.
Trans­la­te the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces into Eng­lish.
14 / 14
  • Der Bie­ber ist nicht vom Aus­ster­ben be­droht.
  • Mein Vater re­pa­riert mei­nen be­schä­dig­ten Rei­fen.
  • Der Stich einer Qual­le ist töd­lich.
  • Im 18. Jahr­hun­dert kamen die Eu­ro­pä­er nach Aus­tra­li­en und zer­stör­ten
    die ein­hei­mi­sche Kul­tur.
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