• Active or Passive Voice
  • anonym
  • 11.09.2023
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Test 1

Con­text Star­ter
Chap­ter 1
WORDS - Fill in the mis­sing words and phra­ses from 'Words in Con­text'. The first let­ter of the words are al­re­a­dy given.
18 / 18
  • Adul­thood is a s of l when a per­son is usu­al­ly at their peak level of per­for­mance.
  • Be­cau­se ado­le­scence is a p of t from childhood to adul­thood, teen­agers often feel un­su­re of them­sel­ves.
  • You need to be­co­me aware of the r and r you have as an adult.
  • For many teen­agers, p p is much more im­portant than the in­flu­ence of their pa­rents or teachers.
  • In the past ado­le­s­cents c of a at 21, but no­wa­days in most coun­t­ries it’s 18.
  • Many child­ren find it dif­fi­cult to m their pa­rents’ e .
  • Most people t to e with dif­fe­rent ap­pro­a­ches when they start work.
  • Many young people try to g a from their own peer group.
  • He re­bel­led against his pa­rents, but he re­al­ly y for s and a sta­ble fa­mi­ly life.
GRAMMAR - Active or passive: Complete the text about The Impact of Technology on Youth with the correct verb forms. Pay attention to the tenses.
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  • Technology has become an important part of our lives, especially for the younger generation. It (use) by almost everyone, but have you ever wondered about the effects it (have) on today's youth? One of the positive aspects of technology is that it (allow) young people to connect with others from around the world. Social media platforms (use) by millions of teenagers to share their thoughts, photos, and experiences. However, it is important to note that excessive use of social media (link) to feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem. Furthermore, technology (provide) young people with access to a vast amount of information. This (enable) them to learn about different cultures, gain knowledge, and explore new ideas. On the other hand, it is crucial to teach them how to critically evaluate the information they (receive) online to avoid misinformation. In addition, technology (offer) various opportunities for creativity. Many young individuals (inspire) by online platforms to showcase their talents, whether it (be) through music, art, or writing. However, it is essential to strike a balance between online and offline activities to ensure a well-rounded development. In conclusion, technology (play) a significant role in the lives of today's youth. It (provide) them with numerous advantages, but it is crucial for young people to be aware of the potential negative impacts and make informed choices about their technology use.
GRAM­MAR - Use the pas­si­ve to write three sen­ten­ces about school rules, using the pas­si­ve voicel, e. g. how to deal in case of a fire, the usage of mo­bi­le pho­nes, ho­me­work as­sign­ments or punc­tu­a­li­ty.

Ex­amp­le: Che­a­ting is not to­le­ra­ted at any times.
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