• London Adventure Breakout
  • anonym
  • 04.01.2024
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Lon­don Ad­ven­ture Break­out
Read the puz­zles that guide you from one Lon­don sight to ano­ther. Write the name of the sight in the table in the order they ap­pear in the puz­zles.

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  • In Lon­don's sky, I reach up high, Since a cen­tu­ry's turn, I've touch­ed the sky. What am I?

  • Over Tha­mes so wide, I stand with pride, Since 1894, I've been your guide. What am I?

  • I have been show­ca­sing art and ar­ti­facts from around the world for over 260 years. What am I?

  • I have been ser­ving as the of­fi­ci­al re­si­dence of the Bri­tish mon­arch since the 19th cen­tu­ry. What am I?

  • I have been towe­ring over Lon­don's sky­line since 2012. What am I?

  • I have been pro­vi­ding a green oasis in the heart of Lon­don for cen­tu­ries. What am I?

  • I have been show­ca­sing Shake­speare­an plays since 1997. What am I?

  • Be­ne­ath the streets, I wind and weave. Since 1863, my tun­nels con­cei­ve. What am I?

Hyde Park

The Globe The­a­t­re

Bri­tish Mu­se­um

The Un­der­ground

Buck­ing­ham Pa­lace

Tower Bridge

The Shard

The Lon­don Eye


Lon­don Sight









Form sen­ten­ces in the Pre­sent Per­fect Pro­gres­si­ve with since or for based on the puz­zle ans­wers.
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  • The Tower Bridge has been stan­ding tall over the River Tha­mes .

  • The Bri­tish Mu­se­um has been show­ca­sing art and ar­te­facts from around the world .

  • Buck­ing­ham Pa­lace has been ser­ving as the of­fi­ci­al re­si­dence of the Bri­tish mon­arch .

  • The Globe The­a­t­re has been show­ca­sing Shake­speare­an plays .

  • The Lon­don Eye has been of­fe­ring breathta­king views of Lon­don .

  • The Un­der­ground has been trans­por­ting people be­ne­ath the streets of Lon­don .

  • The Shard has been towe­ring over Lon­don's sky­line .

  • Hyde Park has been pro­vi­ding a green oasis in the heart of Lon­don .

Task for Code Cal­cu­la­ti­on: Use the code to com­ple­te the Lon­don Ad­ven­ture Brea­kout and un­lock the final com­bi­na­ti­on.
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  • Add the num­bers of the puz­zle ans­wers with an even (ge­ra­den) num­ber of let­ters.
  • Add the num­bers of the puz­zle ans­wers with an odd (un­ge­ra­den) num­ber of let­ters.
  • Cal­cu­la­te the cross sum (Quer­sum­me) of the se­cond num­ber.
  • Di­vi­de the re­sult from step 3 by the re­sult from step 1.