• Northern Ireland and Brexit
  • anonym
  • 01.05.2023
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 11, 12, 13
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Nor­thern Ire­land and Brex­it
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In the video The Fra­gile Peace and A Fight For Justice in North­ern Ire­land, you got to know about some as­pects of the North­ern Ire­land con­flict. Read the text and fill in the gaps with in­form­a­tion as given in the video.
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North­ern Ire­land has a long his­tory of con­flict, known as , which began in the late 1960s and las­ted for dec­ades. The con­flict was primar­ily between Cath­olic na­tion­al­ists, who sought a united , and Prot­est­ant uni­on­ists, who wanted to re­main part of the . The found­a­tion of two para­mil­it­ary groups falls into that time: the pre­dom­in­antly com­posed of Prot­est­ants and the , mostly as­so­ci­ated with the Cath­olic com­munity. Both groups were re­spons­ible for acts of vi­ol­ence, in­clud­ing bomb­ings and shoot­ings, that res­ul­ted in the deaths of hun­dreds of people. The con­flict between those two parties was fueled as the Brit­ish gov­ern­ment made prom­ises to the people of North­ern Ire­land that they did not keep. This is called . Thus, to sep­ar­ate Cath­olic and Prot­est­ant neigh­bor­hoods in Bel­fast, phys­ical bar­ri­ers known as were erec­ted. There are cur­rently Peace Walls across Bel­fast, which serve as a re­minder of the on­go­ing ten­sions in the area. How­ever, hopes were high when, in 1998, the was signed, bring­ing an end to the worst of the vi­ol­ence and the bor­der vir­tu­ally dis­ap­peared. How­ever, many is­sues re­main un­re­solved, and ten­sions still run high between the two com­munit­ies. But change is com­ing: , a polit­ical party that seeks a united Ire­land and was as­so­ci­ated with vi­ol­ent groups in the past, is now aim­ing to achieve its goals through peace­ful means, like talk­ing and ne­go­ti­at­ing. Tra­gic­ally, the journ­al­ist 's death in served as a re­minder of the fra­gil­ity of peace in North­ern Ire­land. She was killed while re­port­ing on a riot in Derry, and her death high­lighted the on­go­ing ten­sions and un­re­solved is­sues in the re­gion. Fi­nally, there is a gen­er­a­tion of young people in North­ern Ire­land who have grown up after the Good Fri­day Agree­ment, known as . While they have known re­l­at­ive peace, the on­go­ing ten­sions and un­re­solved is­sues in the re­gion serve as a re­minder of the fra­gil­ity of peace.

Match the event to its his­to­ri­cal date.

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  • 1921
  • 1968
  • 1972
  • 1981
  • 1994
  • 2016
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • Nor­thern Ire­land Pro­to­col
  • Bloo­dy Sun­day mas­sa­c­re
  • Be­gin­ning of The Trou­bles
  • first IRA cea­se­fi­re
  • Brex­it re­fe­ren­dum
  • Par­ti­ti­on of Ire­land
  • IRA Hun­ger Strikes
  • Brex­it
Briefly explain how Brexit has contributed to the current dire situation in Northern Ireland, using the following terms and phrases:

Hard border - Irish Republican Army - Irish Sea border - Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland - Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom - Northern Ireland Protocol - The Troubles -Unionists
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