• Possessive Pronouns
  • anonym
  • 09.06.2023
  • Englisch
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Fill in the gaps with the cor­rect pos­ses­si­ve pro­nouns!

a) So­phie and her fa­mi­ly have a car. It's .

b) You and I have the same hat! But wait, looks smal­ler than yours.

c) Oh no, I lost my pen­cil! Can you give me , plea­se?

d) Les­ley lost her pen­cil case. She is very sad, be­cau­se it was and she re­al­ly liked it.

e) I found this book on the table and it isn't mine. You there! Is this ?

f) Jack has a cute dog! It's and he plays often with it.

g) There lives a squir­rel in our gar­den that likes to eat our nuts. I al­ways say to it: Stop ea­ting our nuts, squir­rel, they're , not yours!!

h) I like your new bike bet­ter than my bike. is very old and I don't like the co­lour.

i) Dan and Joe have a gui­nea pig they both care for. It is .

j) Our house is small, but I re­al­ly like li­ving there. It is and we can do what we want in it!

k) Anan­da has a very big room and Jack has a small room. is much big­ger than !

l) Bob the boar lives in the woods and has a fa­vou­ri­te tree. It is not , but he likes to sleep under it.

m) Are you ea­ting my lunch? You are so mean, that was !

n) Do you like her ring? I love it! It was her mom's ring be­fo­re, but now it's !
