• Test: Possessive Pronouns
  • anonym
  • 10.05.2023
  • Englisch
  • 6
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Tick the cor­rect ans­wer! Only one pos­ses­si­ve pro­noun is cor­rect.
6 / 6
We love our gar­den. It's...
He has got a cat as a pet. It's...
The bikes out­si­de are Dan and Jo's. They are...
You guys have re­al­ly good ideas,
. . . are al­ways the best!
My diary is blue, So­phie's diary is in ano­ther co­lour. The red one is...
Tim, I like your pen­cil bet­ter than mine. Where did you get . . . from?
Fill in the gaps with the cor­rect pos­ses­si­ve pro­nouns!
9 / 9

a) We have a lot of pets. They are all .

b) She is so smart and has good gra­des! are al­ways

the best.

c) You and I both have birds. Mine is green, but is pink.

d) So­phie has a nice pen­cil, too, but she for­got where she got .

e) Jack and his fa­mi­ly have a beau­ti­ful gar­den. All the plants and flow­ers

are .

f) Every time I see my pet rat, I am so happy that she is !

g) Oh no, I can't find my rub­ber! Can you give me , plea­se?

h) I have a big pen­cil case and his pen­cil case is small. big­ger than !

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