• The Great London Adventure Edu-Breakout
  • anonym
  • 08.02.2024
  • Englisch
  • 7
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The Great Lon­don Ad­ven­ture

The class seven is very excited because something special is coming soon: a school trip to London! The students have learned English words and have learned about British culture. When they arrive in London, they go with their teacher, Mr. James, to an old, mysterious bookshop. There they find the diary of Lord Ashbury, a strange adventurer who loved puzzles from the 19th century. He always wanted to find friends to have fun with. In the diary, the class learns that if they visit the famous places in London in a special order, they can get a number code to open a safe box at the Bank of London. They can only find the clues and understand the secret code of Lord Ashbury if they work together as a team. Only the cleverest and most attentive discoverers can understand it.

Step 1: Read the puz­zles that guide you from one Lon­don sight to ano­ther. Write the name of the sight in the table in the order they ap­pear in the puz­zles.

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  • In Lon­don's sky, I reach up high, Since a cen­tu­ry's turn, I've touch­ed the sky. What am I?

  • Over Tha­mes so wide, I stand with pride, Since 1894, I've been your guide. What am I?

  • I have been show­ca­sing art and ar­ti­facts from around the world for over 260 years. What am I?

  • I have been ser­ving as the of­fi­ci­al re­si­dence of the Bri­tish mon­arch since the 19th cen­tu­ry. What am I?

  • I have been towe­ring over Lon­don's sky­line since 2012. What am I?

  • I have been pro­vi­ding a green oasis in the heart of Lon­don for cen­tu­ries. What am I?

  • I have been show­ca­sing Shake­speare­an plays since 1997. What am I?

  • Be­ne­ath the streets, I wind and weave. Since 1863, my tun­nels con­cei­ve. What am I?

Hyde Park

The Globe The­a­t­re

Bri­tish Mu­se­um

The Un­der­ground

Buck­ing­ham Pa­lace

Tower Bridge

The Shard

The Lon­don Eye


Lon­don Sight









Form sen­ten­ces in the Pre­sent Per­fect Pro­gres­si­ve with since or for based on the puz­zle ans­wers.
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  • The Tower Bridge has been stan­ding tall over the River Tha­mes .

  • The Bri­tish Mu­se­um has been show­ca­sing art and ar­te­facts from around the world .

  • Buck­ing­ham Pa­lace has been ser­ving as the of­fi­ci­al re­si­dence of the Bri­tish mon­arch .

  • The Globe The­a­t­re has been show­ca­sing Shake­speare­an plays .

  • The Lon­don Eye has been of­fe­ring breathta­king views of Lon­don .

  • The Un­der­ground has been trans­por­ting people be­ne­ath the streets of Lon­don .

  • The Shard has been towe­ring over Lon­don's sky­line .

  • Hyde Park has been pro­vi­ding a green oasis in the heart of Lon­don .

Task for Code Cal­cu­la­ti­on: Use the code to com­ple­te the Lon­don Ad­ven­ture Brea­kout and un­lock the final com­bi­na­ti­on.
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  • Add the num­bers of the puz­zle ans­wers with an even (ge­ra­den) num­ber of let­ters.
  • Add the num­bers of the puz­zle ans­wers with an odd (un­ge­ra­den) num­ber of let­ters.
  • Cal­cu­la­te the cross sum (Quer­sum­me) of the se­cond num­ber.
  • Di­vi­de the re­sult from step 3 by the re­sult from step 1.