• Understanding "The King's Speech"
  • anonym
  • 26.02.2023
  • Englisch
  • 11, 12, 13
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The King's Speech
IN­TRO­DUC­TION Choo­se the cor­rect ans­wer.
The di­rec­tor of the film The King's Speech is …
The film was re­leased
in …
The film genre
is …
The cen­tral mess­a­ges of the movie is that …
Write an in­tro­duct­ory sen­tence to the movie The King's Speech in­clud­ing title, dir­ector, date of re­lease, genre and the cent­ral idea of the movie.

Ex­ample: Mat Reeves' 2022 su­per­hero movie The Bat­man fol­lows the hero Bat­man, who is try­ing to ex­pose crime and cor­rup­tion. The cent­ral mes­sage of the film is the thin line between justice and ven­geance and the im­port­ance of stay­ing true to one's moral code in the face of struggles for ex­ist­ence.
SUM­MA­RY Choo­se the cor­rect ans­wer.
What is the name of the main character in the film?
Why does the main character struggle with public speaking?
Who helps the main character with his speech impediment?
What is the main character's speech impediment?
What technique does the speech
therapist use to help the main character?
In what year does King George V die?
Who becomes king after the death of King George V?
In what year is King George VI crowned king?
What event prompts the main character to give a speech?
How does the main character feel after giving his speech?
Why did Edward VIII abdicate the throne?
In what year does Prince Albert give a speech at the closing ceremony of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Stadium?
Fill in the gaps.

While The King's Speech focuses primarily on King and his struggles with his speech impediment, the film does offer some insights into the character of Queen , who would go on to become the longest-reigning in British history.

In the film, Queen Elizabeth II, then known as Elizabeth, is portrayed as a loving daughter who is deeply concerned for her father's well-being. She is often shown at his side during his therapy sessions with Logue. The film also highlights the challenges that Queen Elizabeth would face as a member of the family, particularly during the turbulent years leading up to II. As the daughter of the King and future , she is shown to be aware of her family's public image and the importance of projecting a sense of stability and unity to the people.

Overall, the film particularly shows her close with her father and her early experiences as a of the royal family.
