• Lückentext London - simple past
  • anonym
  • 24.11.2023
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Lon­don is great!

Write the simp­le past form of the verb into the bra­ckets ( ).
BONUS: Un­der­line the si­gnal words of the simp­le past in yel­low.

My name is Luan and I am from Ste­glitz, Ber­lin. Last year, I (to tra­vel) to Lon­don with my fa­mi­ly over the win­ter ho­li­days.

The city cen­ter of Lon­don (to be) full of co­lor­ful christ­mas lights and trees. After we (to ar­ri­ve) at our hotel, we (to ex­plo­re) Lon­don for the next three days.

On the first day, we (to walk) to the river Tha­mes. On our way, we (to see) Big Ben, West­mins­ter Abbey and the Lon­don Eye! I (to be) too sca­red to take a ride on the Lon­don Eye, but it (to look) ama­zing. We (to have) some fish and chips for din­ner and (to go) to bed early.

On the se­cond day, my mum (to learn) about a christ­mas mar­ket next to the Lon­don Bridge, so we (to take) the tube there. We (to drink) some christ­mas tea and (to eat) some yummy cho­co­la­te ap­p­les. After that, we (to go) to Ma­dame Tus­s­aud’s and (to see) the royal fa­mi­ly as wax fi­gu­res. For din­ner we (to have) She­pherd’s pie and pud­ding.

On the last day we (to go) to see Buck­ing­ham Pa­lace, the buil­ding where the king lives. In the sou­ve­nir store next to the pa­lace, I (to buy) a tea cup for my grand­ma. In the evening we (to fly) back to Ber­lin.

All in all, we (to have) a great time in Lon­don!
