• Methoden
  • EdaYig
  • 26.02.2024
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Let´s play BINGO

Walk around the room and find people who meet the re­qui­re­ments in the boxes.
Find one per­son for each box and write their first name in the box.
  • Find so­me­o­ne in the room who...

... has a fa­vo­ri­te on­line in­flu­en­cer.

... fol­lows a brand on In­sta­gram.

... has sold so­me­thing th­rough an on­line plat­form.

... often wat­ches pro­duct re­views on You­Tube.

... has parti­ci­pa­ted in an In­sta­gram poll.

... has used a di­gi­tal cou­pon for an on­line purcha­se.

... fol­lows a di­gi­tal nomad on so­cial media.

... has crea­ted/ crea­tes con­tent for a so­cial media plat­form.

... fre­quent­ly views on­line ad­ver­ti­se­ments.

... has purcha­sed a pro­duct based on an in­flu­en­cer's re­com­men­da­ti­on.

... has joi­ned an on­line com­mu­ni­ty re­la­ted to a spe­ci­fic in­te­rest or hobby.

... has taken part in a viral on­line trend.

... has bought so­me­thing th­rough a flash sale.

... has tried sel­ling hand­ma­de crafts on­line.

... has pos­ted a re­view of a pro­duct on so­cial media.

... fol­lows a tra­vel in­flu­en­cer on so­cial plat­forms.

... has parti­ci­pa­ted in an on­line chal­len­ge on a so­cial media plat­form.

... has bought clo­thing in­flu­en­ced by a so­cial media trend.

... fre­quent­ly checks on­line re­views be­fo­re ma­king a purcha­se.

... often wat­ches Tik­Tok or You­tube shop­ping hauls.

... fol­lows Tik­Tok crea­tors for fa­shion in­spi­ra­ti­on.

... has used a Tik­Tok or In­sta­gram dis­count code for an on­line purcha­se.

... worked with in­flu­en­cers to pro­mo­te a pro­duct on Tik­Tok.

... has crea­ted spon­so­red con­tent for a brand on Tik­Tok or In­sta­gram.

... of­fers ex­clu­si­ve deals to their Tik­Tok or In­sta­gram fol­lo­wers.

Vo­ca­bu­la­ry List - Working and Con­su­ming on So­cial Plat­forms


Re­ar­ran­ge the let­ters to spell the words cor­rect­ly.

Have fun!


eclu­sivexe oreffs

pee­lasi­ron­zd rem­mi­oda­te­conns

im­lup­se bnuy­ig

hidd­ne fese

flase anid­ver­tisg

limetid-​tmei pes­ru­res

pi­v­ar­cy conrc­nes

mi­na­pa­tivelu mar­ni­tekg

in­flucneer mar­ni­tekg

cotennt creo­itan


bdarn col­lan­bo­ra­tio

di­a­tigl in­cnu­f­le


af­fi­tilae mar­ni­tekg

di­a­tigl nomda

Vo­ca­bu­la­ry List - Working and Con­su­ming on So­cial Plat­forms

Match the words above with the de­fi­ni­ti­ons below.
  • Urgency created by a deadline or time limit for a particular offer.
  • Earning a commission by promoting other people's (or companies') products.
  • The influence of digital content and online personalities on people's opinions and actions.
  • Working with another brand, often through partnerships.
  • Special deals or promotions available only to a select group, making them unique or limited.
  • Ideas made just for you based on what you like, often created by a computer program using a set of instructions called an algorithm.
  • A person who works remotely, often travelling.
  • Worries about the protection of personal information and data.
  • A collaboration between popular social media users and brands to promote the brands' products or services.
  • Turning an activity or content into a source of income, often through advertising.
  • The production of digital material such as video, images, text, often for online platforms.
  • A commission or fee earned for a service, usually in sales.
  • Buying something quickly without much thought and regretting the decision later.
  • Costs that are not clearly mentioned at the beginning, so the buyer doesn't notice them right away.
  • Misleading advertising messages that don't correctly represent the product or service.
  • Tactics or strategies used to influence and control consumer behaviour, sometimes in a misleading or unethical way.
  • A retail distribution method in which a store does not stock the products it sells; instead, the products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer.

Phra­ses to use when ex­pres­sing an opi­ni­on

The fol­lo­wing phra­ses must be used du­ring the dis­cus­sion. Once one is used, it can be ti­cked off. Each per­son must tick at least 3 phra­ses.
  • What's your opi­ni­on?
  • Would you like to say so­me­thing?
  • What are your ideas?
  • There are many re­a­sons for ...
  • This is in com­ple­te con­tra­dic­tion to ...
  • I can ima­gi­ne that ...
  • It seems to me that ...
  • My per­so­nal view is that ...
  • Under cer­tain cir­cum­s­tances ...
  • I take the view that ..
  • The pro­blem is that ...
  • I must admit that ...
  • As far as I un­der­stand, ...
  • I am of the same opi­ni­on as...
  • I am (not) sure, cer­tain, con­vin­ced that ...
  • I am of a dif­fe­rent opi­ni­on be­cau­se ...
  • What do you mean?
  • In my ex­pe­ri­ence ...
  • That is not neces­sa­ri­ly so.
  • Per­so­nal­ly, I think ...
  • I am of a dif­fe­rent opi­ni­on be­cau­se ...
  • That seems ob­vious, but ...


Er­gän­ze den fol­gen­den Lü­ckente­xet zur Wa­ren­vor­la­ge.

Legen Sie dem Kun­den nicht , aber auch nicht Waren vor. Er­fah­re­ne Ver­käu­fer emp­feh­len, vor­zu­le­gen. Ware, die der Kunde schon hat, soll­ten sie um­ge­hend wie­der . Auf diese Weise be­hal­ten der Kunde und sie einen guten . Gehen sie immer mit der Ware um. Damit zei­gen sie ihre ge­gen­über , aber auch ge­gen­über . Es ist immer von Vor­teil, die Sin­nes­or­ga­ne des Kun­den an­zu­spre­chen. Diese sind: , , , , . Geben sie dem Kun­den also mög­lichst bald in die . So­weit mög­lich, las­sen sie den Kun­den die Ware oder . Zei­gen sie ihm die ver­schie­de­nen (Verwendungs-​)mög­lich­kei­ten der Ware.

Guess the Word - Iden­ti­ty: Fin­ding your place

Part­ner A


Take some time in­di­vi­du­al­ly to re­se­arch and come up with your own de­fi­ni­ti­ons for the words below.

Work with a part­ner. Try to ex­plain the words below in your own words. Your part­ner has to guess the word. Take turns.

Enjoy the ac­ti­vi­ty!


De­fi­ni­ti­on/ Ex­amp­les



so­cial iden­ti­ty



peer pres­su­re

patch­work fa­mi­ly

Brand Ex­plo­ra­ti­on

Group work.
Crea­te a mind map or wall pos­ter ex­trac­ting in­for­ma­ti­on on child labor re­la­ted to the brands. Ex­press your cri­ti­cal opi­ni­on on the topic.

Fol­low these steps:

  • Dis­tri­bu­te the ma­te­ri­als:

    Di­vi­de the ma­te­ri­als among your group mem­bers.
    Share and dis­cuss to en­su­re that ever­y­o­ne has a fair share.

  • Gathe­ring in­for­ma­ti­on:

    Com­mu­ni­ca­te and ex­tract key de­tails about your as­si­gned brand.
    Focus on cap­tu­ring head­lines, sub­sec­tions and key­words (sum­ma­ry wri­ting).

    The fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons will help you de­ci­de what in­for­ma­ti­on to put on your pos­ter. Use them to think about the im­portant de­tails for each topic and make your pos­ter clear and in­te­resting.

    • What spe­ci­fic scan­dals have oc­cur­red within the com­pa­nies under con­side­ra­ti­on?
    • How does the media in­flu­ence the por­t­ra­yal and co­verage of these com­pa­nies?
    • How trans­pa­rent are the com­pa­nies' sup­ply chains?
    • In what areas do these com­pa­nies de­mons­tra­te ethi­cal prac­ti­ces?
    • What fac­tors are dri­ving chan­ges in the stra­te­gies or prac­ti­ces of these com­pa­nies?
    • What is the credi­bi­li­ty of in­for­ma­ti­on or ac­tions in re­la­ti­on to these com­pa­nies?
    • What are the working con­di­ti­ons of these com­pa­nies (sup­pliers)?
    • What aspects of child­ren's health do these com­pa­nies con­sider or in­flu­ence?
    • How do these com­pa­nies ad­dress or con­tri­bu­te to child­ren's rights?
    • What are the com­mon la­bour prac­ti­ces in these com­pa­nies?

  • Mind map crea­ti­on:

    Work toge­ther to crea­te a mind map on the wall using la­bel­led cards.
    Take care not to over­c­rowd the cards with text.
    Think of it as a vi­su­al pos­ter with con­ci­se in­for­ma­ti­on.

  • Your opi­ni­on:

    Ex­press your opi­ni­on, again on la­bal­led cards on the right side of your 'pos­ter'

  • Pre­pa­re for the gal­lery walk:

    Be pre­pa­red to pre­sent your pos­ter du­ring the next class. We will do a gal­lery walk.
    Each mem­ber should be pre­pa­red to dis­cuss the con­tent of the pos­ter.