• My Dream Holiday
  • anonym
  • 15.08.2024
  • Englisch
  • 11, 12, 13
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Dream Ho­li­day Iti­ner­a­ry Task Sheet

Ima­gi­ne you are a tra­vel agent tas­ked with crea­ting the ul­ti­ma­te ho­li­day packa­ge for teen­agers. Your job is to de­sign a dream ho­li­day iti­ner­a­ry that you will later sell to your class­ma­tes.

1. Plan­ning (5 mi­nu­tes)

  • Choo­se a de­sti­na­ti­on or mul­ti­ple de­sti­na­ti­ons for your dream ho­li­day.
  • De­ci­de on the du­ra­ti­on of the trip (e.g., 1 week, 10 days, 2 weeks).

2. Iti­ner­a­ry Crea­ti­on (10 mi­nu­tes)

De­sign your iti­ner­a­ry, in­clu­ding:

  • Daily ac­ti­vi­ties and at­trac­tions
  • Ac­com­mo­da­ti­on de­tails
  • Trans­por­ta­ti­on me­thods
  • Uni­que ex­pe­ri­en­ces or ad­ven­tures
  • Local cui­sine to try

En­su­re your iti­ner­a­ry is:

  • Re­a­li­stic within the given time frame
  • Ap­pea­ling to your age group
  • Di­ver­se in ac­ti­vi­ties and ex­pe­ri­en­ces

3. Bud­get Con­side­ra­ti­on (5 mi­nu­tes)

  • Esti­ma­te a rough bud­get for the en­ti­re trip.
  • Break down costs for major ex­pen­ses (e.g., flights, ac­com­mo­da­ti­on, ac­ti­vi­ties).

4. Pre­sen­ta­ti­on Pre­pa­ra­ti­on (10 mi­nu­tes)

Now it is time to sell your ho­li­day packa­ge:

  • Crea­te a cat­chy name for your ho­li­day packa­ge.
  • High­light the most ex­ci­ting aspects of your iti­ner­a­ry.
  • Ex­plain why this trip is per­fect for your class­ma­tes.

Plan­ning (De­sti­na­ti­on, Du­ra­ti­on, Type of Ho­li­day)

Iti­ner­a­ry Crea­ti­on

Iti­ner­a­ry Crea­ti­on (con­ti­nu­ed)

Bud­get Con­side­ra­ti­on

Cat­chy name for your ho­li­day packa­ge

Most ex­ci­ting aspects of your iti­ner­a­ry

Why this trip is per­fect for your class­ma­tes?
