• My dream job
  • FinjaWarns
  • 10.06.2024
  • Englisch
  • 6
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In­ter­view about your dream job

In­ter­view your team part­ner about his / her dream job.

Use the will-​future. Write the ques­ti­ons you want to ask on the next page.

You may use the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons.

Hier kannst du Wör­ter, die du nicht kennst in an­de­re Spra­chen über­set­zen:

What will be your nor­mal working time?

Which lan­gu­ages will you speak?

Will you do phy­si­cal ac­ti­vi­ties?

What will your daily ac­ti­vi­ties/rou­ti­nes look like?

... ?

What kind of work­wear will you wear?

How will your working

en­vi­ron­ment look like?

How much re­spon­si­bi­li­ty will you have?

Will you be con­fron­ted with any dif­fi­cul­ties?
