• My dream job
  • FinjaWarns
  • 12.06.2024
  • Englisch
  • 6
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In­ter­view about your dream job


Hier kannst du die Wör­ter die du nicht kennst in deine Mut­ter­spra­che über­set­zen.

In­ter­view your team part­ner about their dream job.

Try to use the will-​future.

Use your own words for the ques­ti­ons.
How to form ques­ti­ons in will-​future:

(Fra­ge­wort) + will + Sub­jekt + Grund­form des Verbs (+ Rest des Sat­zes)


Will you work in an of­fice?

What kind of work en­vi­ron­ment will you work in?

Now you pre­sent your part­ners Dream Job in front of the class. The­re­fo­re you have three op­ti­ons:

1. De­scri­bing it wit­hout tel­ling the exact name.
2. Doing it by pan­to­mi­mes.
3. Dra­wing it at the board.

You may do some notes for de­scri­bing the Dream Job:
