• My summer holidays 2
  • pikous
  • 14.09.2023
  • Englisch
  • 2. Ausbildungsjahr
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What comes to your mind when you think about your summer holidays?
  • Write down words. The questions on the right might help you.
Now share your ideas with your class­ma­tes. Start an in­ter­net brow­ser (Fire­fox, Chro­me) on your di­gi­tal de­vice and type in the URL below. Then type in your words in the Ans­wer Gar­den.
Have a look at the mind­map Ho­li­days.
  • Think about what the phra­ses could mean.
  • Dis­cuss in pairs.
  • Dis­cuss in class and ask your teacher for new vo­ca­bu­la­ry.
  • Write the trans­la­ti­on next to the words or sen­ten­ces.
Read Lucas' letter and write the information next to the question.
  • Dear Dominik,

    How are you? I feel good.
    In my holidays I was in Dorfstetten.
    I went there alone although my sister drove me there. When I got there I had a lot of fun because I stayed with my cousin at his place for 5 days.
    I didn’t buy anything.
    I really liked it because they are building a house and I could help them at their building site. I also looked after my baby cousin.
    The food was really good, we ate “Schnitzel” all the time. Yummy!
    The weather was great, too. It was sunny most of the time, with only one rainy evening.
    Write back soon!

    Yours, Lukas



Where did he go?

Who went with him?

How did he get there?

How long did he stay?

What did he do?

What was the weather like?

What was the food like?

Did he buy anything?

Gib in einem Webbrowser die folgende Adresse ein und überlege bei den Fragen, welche Antwort die richtige sein könnte.
Es kann auch mehrere richtige Antworten geben, dann musst du alle Antworten anklicken, die richtig sind!
Schrei­be jetzt den Dia­log mit den rich­ti­gen Ant­wor­ten auf.
  • Wenn es bei einer Frage meh­re­re rich­ti­ge Ant­wor­ten gibt, such dir eine davon aus.

1. Where did you go?

I went to

2. Who went with you?

3. How did

4. How

5. What did

6. What was

7. Did you

8. Did

a bar­be­cue
Read Jo­han­na's let­ter.

  • Dear Ali­cia,

    How are you? I’m okay. How were your ho­li­days?

    My ho­li­days were great. I went to Bärn­kopf with my fa­mi­ly and ano­ther fa­mi­ly. We went cam­ping at the lake.
    We stay­ed there only for three days.
    The lake is in the woods, so we just went shop­ping for food.
    My sis­ter and I did a lot of things: we went jog­ging around the lake, play­ed vol­ley­ball or went to the woods. I often play­ed cards with the other fa­mi­ly and so­me­times we went fi­shing, but we didn’t catch an­y­thing. In the eve­nings we al­ways sat around the camp­fi­re and sang a lot of old songs.
    We coo­ked for our­sel­ves and we often had bar­be­cues.
    I like bar­be­cues, so the food was de­li­cious.
    The weather was crazy! In the mor­nings it was rainy and foggy,
    in the af­ter­noon it was hot and in the eve­nings it was very cold.

    So, where did you go in your ho­li­days? Did you have fun?
    Write back soon!

    Yours, Jo­han­na

a camp­fi­re
Write a letter to a friend!
  • Give all the information for the eight questions.
  • What else does a proper letter need?