• National Parks - so much to discover!
  • anonym
  • 17.06.2023
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Na­ti­o­nal Parks - so much to dis­co­ver!

Mount Rai­nier Na­ti­o­nal Park is lo­ca­ted in the Pa­ci­fic Nor­thwest re­gi­on of the United sta­tes, in the state of Wa­shing­ton. The na­ti­o­nal park en­com­pas­ses the Mount Rai­nier, which is a volca­no. The view from the top is ama­zing.

The park co­vers an area of over 236,000 acres and of­fers dif­fe­rent na­tu­ral won­ders to ex­plo­re, like wa­ter­falls or dense fo­rests.

These fo­rests are per­fect home for wild­life, in­clu­ding black bears, deer and dif­fe­rent birds.

Mount Rai­nier Na­ti­o­nal Park of­fers a range of ac­ti­vi­ties, for ex­amp­le hi­king or cam­ping. The lon­gest trail, the Won­der­land Trail, is 150 ki­lo­me­tres long.

In con­clu­si­on, this park of­fers a great ex­pe­ri­ence for vi­si­tors of all ages.

Lis­ten to your part­ner and ans­wer the ques­ti­ons:

How was Cra­ter Lake for­med?


What kind of ac­ti­vi­ties can you do there?


What do you like about the park?



Na­ti­o­nal Parks - so much to dis­co­ver!

Cra­ter Lake Na­ti­o­nal Park is lo­ca­ted in southern Ore­gon, USA. It is home to one of the most breathta­king na­tu­ral won­ders in the coun­try: Cra­ter Lake.

Cra­ter Lake was for­med around 7,700 years ago when a volca­no col­lap­sed, crea­ting the stun­ning Cra­ter Lake we see today. Cra­ter Lake is known for its deep blue wa­ters. It is the deepest lake in the US and is sur­roun­ded by cliffs.

The most po­pu­lar ac­ti­vi­ty is hi­king. In sum­mer, you can go swim­ming. In win­ter, the park trans­forms into a win­ter won­der­land. You can enjoy ski­ing and a snowy land­s­cape.

The park is also home to wild­life, for ex­amp­le black bears, deer and ea­gles.

In con­clu­si­on, the park of­fers an un­for­gett­a­ble ex­pe­ri­ence.

Lis­ten to your part­ner and ans­wer the ques­ti­ons:

What kind of wild­life can be seen?


What is the Won­der­land Trail?


What do you like about the park?



Na­ti­o­nal Parks - so much to dis­co­ver!

The Olym­pic Na­ti­o­nal Park is lo­ca­ted in the state of Wa­shing­ton. It co­vers ne­ar­ly 1,000,000 acres and con­sists of three re­gi­ons: the rug­ged moun­tains, the lush ra­in­fo­rests, and the stun­ning coast.

The hig­hest peak is Mount Olym­pus.

The park is a haven for na­tu­re lo­vers, where you find hi­king trails, beau­ti­ful sce­nery and crystal-​clear lakes.

You can find dif­fe­rent wild­life as well, such as elks, black bears and dif­fe­rent birds. It is the lar­gest wil­der­ness area in Wa­shing­ton and is a de­signa­ted World He­ri­ta­ge Site by UNESCO.

In con­clu­si­on, Olym­pic Na­ti­o­nal Park has so­me­thing for ever­y­o­ne.

Lis­ten to your part­ner and ans­wer the ques­ti­ons:

How was Cra­ter Lake for­med?


What kind of wild­life can be seen?


What do you like about each park?


