• Obama.Speech
  • anonym
  • 29.01.2024
  • Englisch
  • 11
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Ba­rack Obama’s in­au­gu­ra­ti­on speech Wa­shing­ton, D.C.,
(held on 20 Ja­nu­ary 2009)

[…] Forty-​four Ame­ri­cans have now taken the pre­si­den­ti­al oath[1]. The words have been spo­ken du­ring ri­sing tides[2] of pro­spe­ri­ty and the still wa­ters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathe­ring clouds and ra­ging[3]storms.

At these mo­ments, Ame­ri­ca has car­ri­ed on not sim­ply be­cau­se of the skill or vi­si­on of those in high of­fice, but be­cau­se we, the people, have re­main­ed faith­ful to the ide­als of our for­be­a­rers[4], and true to our foun­ding do­cu­ments. So it has been. So it must be with this ge­ne­ra­ti­on of Ame­ri­cans.

That we are in the midst of cri­sis is now well un­der­stood. Our na­ti­on is at war, against a far-​reaching net­work of vi­o­lence and hat­red. Our eco­no­my is badly wea­ke­ned, a con­se­quence of greed and ir­re­spon­si­bi­li­ty on the part of some […].  Homes have been lost; jobs shed; busi­nesses shut­te­red. Our health care is too cost­ly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings fur­ther evi­den­ce that the ways we use en­er­gy streng­then our ad­versa­ries[5] and th­re­a­ten our pla­net. These are the in­di­ca­tors of cri­sis, sub­ject to data and sta­ti­stics.

Less me­a­su­ra­ble but no less pro­found is a sap­ping[6] of con­fi­dence across our land - a nag­ging fear that Ame­ri­ca's de­cli­ne[7] is in­evi­ta­ble[8], and that the next ge­ne­ra­ti­on must lower its sights[9]. […].

As for ever­y­whe­re we look, there is work to be done. The state of the eco­no­my calls for ac­tion, bold[10] and swift[11], and we will act […]. We will build the roads and bridges, the elec­tric grids and di­gi­tal lines that feed our com­mer­ce and bind us toge­ther. We will […] wield[12] tech­no­lo­gy's won­ders to raise health care's qua­li­ty and lower its cost. We will har­ness[13] the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our fac­to­ries […]. All this we can do. All this we will do. […].

God bless you. And God bless the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca.

[1] pre­si­den­ti­al oath: Ant­s­eid eines Prä­si­den­ten

[2] tide: a re­gu­lar rise and fall in the level of the sea, cau­sed by the pull of the moon and sun

[3] ra­ging: auf­zie­hen­den

[4] for­be­a­rer: a per­son who you are de­scen­ded from, es­pe­cial­ly one who lived a long time ago

[5] ad­versa­ry: a per­son that sb. is op­po­sed to and com­pe­ting with in an ar­gu­ment or a batt­le

[6][6] to sap: to make sth./ sb. wea­ker; to de­s­troy sth.

[7] de­cli­ne: a con­ti­nuous de­crease in the num­ber, value, qua­li­ty etc. of sth.

[8] in­evi­ta­ble: that you can­not pre­vent or avoid

[9] to lower one’s sights: klei­ne­re Bröt­chen ba­cken

[10] bold: brave and con­fi­dent

[11] swift: doing sth. quick­ly

[12] to wield: to hold sth. ready to use it as a wea­pon or tool

[13] to har­ness: to con­trol and use the force to pro­du­ce power

Sum­ma­ri­ze the con­tent of Obama’s in­au­gu­ra­ti­on speech.
Ana­ly­se the lan­guage and sty­li­stic de­vices Obama
uses to refer to the Ame­ri­can eco­no­my and so­cie­ty.

Sty­li­stic de­vices

Pre­pa­re a speech. You are part of an or­ga­niza­ti­on.
-​about 250 words

Use­ful phra­ses (use at least 5):

Ta­king ac­tion:
We have to en­su­re..
We are pre­pa­red to, de­ter­mi­ned to..

Loo­king into the fu­ture:
In the short term, long term..
We are hope­ful, con­fi­dent that...
We should take on new roles.

Dea­ling with pro­blems:
..to face, solve a pro­blem (con­flict)
..to over­co­me dif­fi­cul­ties.
..to make a com­pro­mi­se..
..to nego­ti­a­te an agree­ment../

Ex­amp­les of rhe­to­ri­cal de­vices:
rhe­to­ri­cal ques­ti­ons, con­trasts, me­ta­phors, ana­pho­ras, ap­peal to the au­di­ence (an das Pu­bli­kum ap­pel­lie­ren)

For ex­amp­le:
  • Let Girls Learn:
    -​supports and en­a­bles ac­cess to edu­ca­ti­on

  • Welt­hun­ger­hil­fe

  • Con­nec­tED:
    -​enriches the edu­ca­ti­on by en­ab­ling broad­band and high-​speed wire­less con­nec­tions in schools and li­bra­ries
    -​support and trai­ning in using edu­ca­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy tools that can im­pro­ve stu­dent lear­ning

  • Oxfam