• Our 1st English Film
  • anonym
  • 26.01.2023
  • Englisch
  • 7
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We will watch our first Eng­lish film toge­ther, but be­fo­re we start, let's see how you feel about that.
  • Point out the dif­fi­cul­ties you could have when wat­ching the film.
  • Out­line what you could enjoy about wat­ching a film in Eng­lish.
The Pos­ter.
  • De­scri­be the film-​poster to your neigh­bour.
  • Ex­plain what the film could be about. What genre might it be?
  • Il­lus­tra­te how the pos­ter makes you feel.
The ope­ning scene.
  • Crea­te a pos­ter with a pro­fi­le for:
    1. Me­ri­da
    2. her father
    3. her mo­ther
    (Use the tem­p­la­te for it)
  • Write the next scene for the film and spe­cu­la­te what will hap­pen next.