• Past Progressive
  • anonym
  • 17.12.2023
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Rules and Ap­plic­a­tion

Past Pro­gres­si­ve

A verb tense used to de­scri­be on­go­ing or con­ti­nuous ac­tions that were hap­pe­ning in the past


It is for­med by com­bi­ning the past tense of the verb "to be" (was/were) with the pre­sent parti­ciple of the main verb (the verb en­ding in -ing).

Break­down of how to form the Past Pro­gres­si­ve

  1. Sub­ject (noun or pro­noun): This is the per­son or thing per­forming the ac­tion.

  2. Past tense of "to be" (was/were): Use "was" with sin­gu­lar sub­jects (I, he, she, it) and "were" with plu­ral sub­jects (you, we, they).

  3. Pre­sent parti­ciple of the main verb (verb + -ing): Add -ing to the base form of the main verb.

Sub­ject+Past tense of "to be"+Pre­sent parti­ciple of the main verb


I was play­ing video games when the phone rang.

  • In this sen­tence, "I" is the sub­ject, "was" is the past tense of "to be," and "play­ing" is the pre­sent parti­ciple of the main verb "play." Toge­ther, they form the past pro­gres­si­ve tense.

They were stu­dy­ing for their exams all night.

  • In this case, "They" is the sub­ject, "were" is the past tense of "to be," and "stu­dy­ing" is the pre­sent parti­ciple of the main verb "study."


I was play­ing games when the phone rang.


Gap Fill Exer­ci­se

1. Last weekend, while I (study) for my exams, my fri­ends (play) video games.

2. As we (ski) down the moun­tain, it sud­den­ly (start) sno­wing hea­vi­ly.

3. While we (walk) th­rough the char­ming vil­la­ge, we (meet) some lo­cals who (speak) only Ger­man.

4. My fa­mi­ly and I (enjoy) a de­li­cious din­ner at a local re­stau­rant when it (begin) to snow out­si­de.

5. While my brot­her and I (build) a snow­man, my pa­rents (take) pho­tos of the beau­ti­ful snowy land­s­cape.

6. As we (ex­plo­re) the his­to­ric town, a street mu­si­ci­an (play) tra­di­ti­o­nal Aus­tri­an music.

7. While we (visit) the local mar­ket, my sis­ter (buy) a hand­ma­de sou­ve­nir.

8. Last night, as I (watch) the stars from our bal­c­o­ny, I (re­a­li­ze) how much I (miss) the peace­ful­ness of the moun­tains.

9. While my fa­mi­ly (have) break­fast, I (read) a fa­sci­na­ting book about the his­to­ry of the re­gi­on.

10. As we (drive) back from the ski re­sort, we (sing) along to our fa­vou­ri­te songs on the radio.

Match the Ac­tions - Win­ter Cam­ping Ad­ven­ture
  • Match each sen­tence in the first part (past pro­gres­si­ve) with the cor­re­spon­ding sen­tence in the se­cond part (past tense).

First Parts (Past Pro­gres­si­ve):

1. While I was ski­ing down the slope,

2. As my fa­mi­ly and I were ex­plo­ring the char­ming vil­la­ge,

3. While my fri­ends and I were ha­ving din­ner,

4. As we were ri­ding the ch­air­lift to the moun­tain­top,

5. While my sis­ter and I were buil­ding a snow­man,

6. As I was wat­ching the stars from our bal­c­o­ny,

7. While we were vi­si­ting the local mar­ket,

8. As we were dri­ving back from the ski re­sort,

9 . While my fa­mi­ly was en­joy­ing a meal,

10. As we were wal­king th­rough the snowy streets,

Se­cond Parts (Past Tense):

A. ...I sud­den­ly had a thought about my home­town.

B. ...I re­a­li­zed how much I missed the peace­ful­ness of the moun­tains.

C. ...we shared sto­ries and laug­hed around the camp­fi­re.

D. ...we en­coun­te­red a fri­end­ly dog that joi­ned us for a stroll.

E. ...we met a local ar­tist who show­ca­sed hand­ma­de crafts.

F. ...we spot­ted shoo­ting stars in the clear night sky.

G. ...we dis­co­ver­ed a hid­den ice cream shop.

H. ...we re­flec­ted on the day's ad­ven­tures and che­ris­hed the me­mo­ries.

I. ...we re­ached the sum­mit and mar­veled at the pan­o­ramic views.

J. ...we were in­ter­rup­ted by our pa­rents.

Ima­gi­ne you are Will, a teen­ager who re­cent­ly went on a ski­ing ho­li­day with his fa­mi­ly in Aus­tria, a German-​speaking coun­try.
  • Con­struct sen­ten­ces using the past pro­gres­si­ve tense to con­vey on­go­ing ac­tions.
  • De­scri­be spe­ci­fic mo­ments from your ski­ing ho­li­day in Aus­tria. Be crea­ti­ve and in­clu­de de­tails!


Story Tel­ling
  • Ima­gi­ne a day in the life of Will du­ring his ski­ing ho­li­day in Aus­tria. Crea­te a short story using the past pro­gres­si­ve tense to de­scri­be his ac­ti­vi­ties th­roug­hout the day. In­clu­de de­tails about his mor­ning rou­ti­ne, ski­ing ad­ven­tures, in­ter­ac­tions with lo­cals, and any other in­te­resting events. Aim to use the past pro­gres­si­ve tense con­sistent­ly to con­vey the on­go­ing na­tu­re of the ac­tions.

  • In­clu­de de­tails such as:

    Pre-​trip ex­ci­te­ment: What were you and your fa­mi­ly doing in the days lea­ding up to the trip? Were you packing, shop­ping for ski gear, or ma­king tra­vel ar­ran­ge­ments?

    Ar­ri­val in Aus­tria: De­scri­be the in­iti­al mo­ments upon ar­ri­val. What were you and your fa­mi­ly doing as you sett­led into your ac­com­mo­da­ti­on and pre­pa­red for the first day of ski­ing?

    Ski­ing ad­ven­tures: Share your ex­pe­ri­en­ces on the slo­pes using past pro­gres­si­ve tense. What were you doing on the first day as you got used to the skis? Were you prac­ti­cing spe­ci­fic tech­ni­ques or na­vi­ga­ting chal­len­ging ter­rain?

    Cul­tu­ral ex­pe­ri­en­ces: While in Aus­tria, what were you and your fa­mi­ly doing to im­mer­se your­sel­ves in the local cul­tu­re? Were you at­temp­ting to speak Ger­man, in­ter­ac­ting with lo­cals, or try­ing tra­di­ti­o­nal Aus­tri­an dis­hes?

    Me­mo­ra­ble mo­ments: High­light on­go­ing ac­tions or ac­ti­vi­ties that stood out du­ring the trip. Were you and your fa­mi­ly doing so­me­thing spe­cial on a parti­cu­lar day or en­joy­ing a me­mo­ra­ble meal toge­ther?

    Re­flec­tions: Now that you're back, re­flect on your over­all ho­li­day. What were you and your fa­mi­ly doing as you shared sto­ries and me­mo­ries from the trip with your fri­ends?


In­ter­view Dia­lo­gue
  • Role-​play an in­ter­view bet­ween Will and a re­por­ter who is cu­rious about his ski­ing ho­li­day. Write a dia­lo­gue using the past pro­gres­si­ve tense where the re­por­ter asks Will about spe­ci­fic mo­ments du­ring the trip. Will should re­spond using the past pro­gres­si­ve tense to pro­vi­de de­tailed and live­ly de­scrip­ti­ons of his ex­pe­ri­en­ces. In­clu­de ques­ti­ons about ski­ing con­di­ti­ons, cul­tu­ral in­ter­ac­tions, and me­mo­ra­ble ac­ti­vi­ties.

  • Focus on the same de­tails al­re­a­dy men­ti­o­ned in Task 1!