• Past Progressive
  • anonym
  • 07.05.2024
  • Englisch
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Past Pro­gres­si­ve

Prac­ti­cing the past pro­gres­si­ve
  • Get toge­ther with your neigh­bour!
  • Ca­re­ful­ly study the pic­tu­re below for 3 mi­nu­tes and try to re­mem­ber as much as you can.
  • Then one of you hides the pic­tu­re from the other.
  • The per­son who can­not see the pic­tu­re tells their neigh­bour ever­y­thing they can re­mem­ber on the pic­tu­re for two mi­nu­tes! Use full sen­ten­ces!
  • Try to think of as many sen­ten­ces as you can and build them with the past pro­gres­si­ve!
  • After that, take turns! The per­son with the most sen­ten­ces wins! :-)

Ex­amp­le Sen­tence:

While the ice bears were swim­ming, the child bought an ice­cream.

Source: https://media.pos­ter­lounge.comimgpro­ducts740000738485/738485_pos­ter.jpg