• past simple
  • jsnschckr
  • 03.10.2024
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Exer­ci­se 1

fill in the blanks with the cor­rect past simp­le verb.

Yes­ter­day I   foot­ball with my fri­ends and I then   Pizza with them.

I   chips after school yes­ter­day.

I   in a slee­ping bag in our camp last year.

Two weeks ago I  long di­s­tance the last time

Exer­ci­se 2

Which of the fol­lo­wing is the cor­rect past simp­le form of to play ?
which of the fol­lo­wing is the cor­rect past simp­le form of to see?
which of the fol­lo­wing is an in­cor­rect past simp­le form?

Exer­ci­se 3

Write five sen­ten­ces using the past simp­le tense cor­rect­ly. (for ex­amp­le write about your last weekend)