• present perfect / past perfect
  • anonym
  • 09.04.2023
  • Englisch
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Fill in the gaps to con­clu­de the rules! Use the fol­lo­wing words:
You may have to use some words more than once.

two | pre­sent | plot | past | fu­ture | re­sult

The pre­sent per­fect simp­le is used for ac­tions that star­ted in the and reach up to the .

Ac­tions in pre­sent per­fect pro­gres­si­ve also go on in the .

The past per­fect simp­le is used to de­scri­be ac­tions. The focus is on the of the ac­tion.

With the past per­fect pro­gres­si­ve the focus is on the .

Look out for si­gnal words!

Un­der­line them if necess­a­ry.

Choo­se the cor­rect tense to form a sen­tence!

1. When Sarah (ar­ri­ve) , Luke and I (look) at our ho­li­day pho­tos.

2. I (know) Sally for many years. She (be) my best fri­end.

3. Leo (read) for an hour when he fell as­leep.

4. My dad al­ways (drive) to work, but since Mon­day he (take) the bus be­cau­se his car (break) down.

5. After we (go) home, the party (go) on for hours.

6. (You, see) Celia la­te­ly?

7. The river floo­ded the val­ley after it (rain) for five days.

8. Lea and Kim (take) dancing les­sons for half a year.
