• Present simple vs. present continuous
  • Shirly
  • 13.04.2024
  • Englisch
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Er­gän­ze die Lü­cken mit der rich­ti­gen Ge­gen­warts­form.

At 7 o'clock every mor­ning, Sarah's alarm (to go off). Sarah usu­al­ly (to eat) break­fast, (to pack) her bag and (to pre­pa­re) to leave. Bye, I (to leave), she yells and walks th­rough the door. On her way to the metro sta­ti­on, Sarah often (to lis­ten) to music. She then (to meet) her fri­end and they (to ride) to school toge­ther.

While they (to get off) the metro, Sarah's fri­end (to talk) to her about her plans. I usu­al­ly (to wear) my hair long. But right now I (to con­sider) about cut­ting it short. What you (to say)? Should I go to the hair­sa­lon? Or I (to go) crazy? Plea­se help me!


He, she, it

...das s muss mit!

Mar­kie­re die rich­ti­ge Zeit­form mit einem Text­mar­ker.

1.) I do/am doing my ho­me­work right now, so I can't watch TV with you.

2.) But­ter melts/is mel­ting when you put it in the mi­cro­wa­ve.

3.) Jacob wants/is wan­ting his stuf­fed ani­mal every night.

4.) Nina's fa­mi­ly tra­vels/is tra­vel­ling to Cro­a­tia every year.

5.) Do not dis­turb! I work/am working on my school pro­ject.
