• Santa Clause is Coming to Town Lückentext
  • anonym
  • 21.11.2023
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Lied­text: Santa Claus is co­ming to town

Wort­sa­lat - setze die Wör­ter in die Lü­cken ein

-bad - why - good - nice - cry - Santa

Hör dir das Lied genau an. Setze die Wör­ter in die pas­sen­de Lücke ein.

You bet­ter watch out, you bet­ter not

You bet­ter not pout, I'm tel­ling you why

Claus is co­ming to town

He's ma­king a list and checking it twice

Gonna find out who's naugh­ty and

Santa Claus is co­ming to town

He sees when you're slee­ping

He knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been bad or

So be good for good­ness sake

You bet­ter watch out, you bet­ter not cry

You bet­ter not pout, I'm tel­ling you

Santa Claus is co­ming to town

He sees when you're slee­ping

He knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been or good

So be good for good­ness sake

Oh, you bet­ter watch out, you bet­ter not cry

Bet­ter not pout, I'm tel­ling you why

Santa Claus is co­ming to town
