• Scrambled Sentences Test
  • anonym
  • 05.12.2022
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These sen­ten­ces are writ­ten in the wrong order. Cor­rect the word order and write the sen­ten­ces down.
5 / 5

go / The man / at 5 o'clock / to the su­per­mar­ket

in the af­ter­noon / Paul and Sandy / to Man­ches­ter / tra­vel

to Mary's house / walks / Peter / after sun­set.

in the sum­mer / shi­nes / in Ger­ma­ny / the Sun

play / at mid­night / the boys / in their room

Write three com­ple­te and cor­rect Eng­lish sen­ten­ces which in­clu­de a place and a time.
3 / 3
/ 8