• simple past, was or were?
  • anonym
  • 13.10.2024
  • Englisch
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Use was / wasn't or were / weren't
  1. It   sunny last Sun­day
  2. Our neigh­bours   (not) at home last weekend.
  3. The car   cheap, it was ex­pen­si­ve.
  4. My room   the cle­a­nest in the house.
  5. My aunt   (not) very tall as a child.
  6. My brot­her   on a hi­king tour in the Alps.
  7. My teacher   (not) very strict.
  8. We   (not) of the litt­le cat.
  9. I   very hungry three hours ago.
  10. Mr. Smith   angry with us the least les­son.
  11. The foot­ball fans   (not) very happy with their team.
  12. Our last car was nice.
  13. The dress   (not) nice and clean, it   dirty.
  14. My brot­her   sad last Sun­day.
  15. Math   my fa­vou­ri­te sub­ject at pri­ma­ry school.
  16. My teacher   at school yes­ter­day. He   ill.
  17. The race   very fast.
  18. The game   funny, it   bo­ring.
  19. The cats   (not) in the house, they   in the garen.
  20. Our ho­li­day in Spain   great.
  21. You   late yes­ter­day.
