• Slang in Series
  • LailaIpekli
  • 26.06.2023
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Slang in The Fresh Prin­ce of Bel Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is a popular sitcom that aired from 1990 to 1996. The show follows the story of Will Smith, a charismatic teenager from a rough neighborhood in Philadelphia who is sent to live with his wealthy aunt and uncle in the upscale neighborhood of Bel-Air, Los Angeles.

Will (played by Will Smith) is a fun-loving, street-smart character with a quick wit and a penchant for getting into trouble. He brings his unique sense of style, humor, and hip-hop culture to the prim and proper world of Bel-Air, often clashing with his more conservative relatives.

In the clip given you can see a dialogue between Will and his father and later between Will and his uncle. Find about 5 colloquial or Slang terms and describe their meanings.

Slang term / col­lo­qui­al phra­ses

me­a­nings / de­scrip­ti­ons

How does the lan­guage used de­pict the three cha­rac­ters (Will, Lou, Phil)? Are there dif­fe­ren­ces?

Slang in Brook­lyn Nine-​Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a comedic television series set in the fictional 99th precinct of the NYPD in Brooklyn. The show revolves around a diverse group of detectives led by the talented but immature Detective Jake Peralta. The precinct also includes the strict and no-nonsense Captain Raymond Holt, the sarcastic Detective Rosa Diaz, the food-loving Detective Charles Boyle, the competitive Detective Amy Santiago, and the endearingly clueless Detective Terry Jeffords. The series combines clever humor with light-hearted storytelling. Through hilarious situations and memorable characters, Brooklyn Nine-Nine delivers an entertaining and heartwarming portrayal of the lives of these dedicated detectives.

In this clip you will see a mor­ning brie­fing in the 99th New Yor­ker Po­li­ce De­part­ment. Also De­tec­ti­ve Rosa Diaz is co­ming out to her col­le­gues. Find about five terms that are more col­lo­qui­al or even Slang terms and iden­tify their me­a­nings.

Slang term / col­lo­qui­al phra­ses

me­a­nings / de­scrip­ti­ons

Do you un­der­stand the jokes?
Why does Rosa come out? What was weird about what Charles said?
What does the word choice say about Cap­tain Holt?

Slang in Outer Banks

Outer Banks is a Netflix series set in North Carolina's Outer Banks. It follows the adventures of the pogues, a group of friends that includes John B, Pope, Sarah, Kiara (Kie) and JJ. Kie, from a wealthy background, chooses to live a rebellious life with her loyal friends. JJ, who comes from a troubled home, finds solace and a sense of family among the pogues. Kie lives in Figure Eight Island, an exclusive community. Together, Kie and JJ navigate the challenges of the Outer Banks, forging a strong friendship in the process.

In the given scene, JJ and Kie are having a serious discussion. Yet, they are using some more or less common colloquial terms. Find about five colloquial words or phrases and identify their meanings. Especially look up the word kook to understand the scene better.

Slang term / col­lo­qui­al phra­ses

me­a­nings / de­scrip­ti­ons

What do you think: Are there dif­fe­ren­ces in the way Kiara and JJ talk? If so, is it their word choice or so­me­thing else? How does this im­pact the way one sees the cha­rac­ter?