• Talk about your holiday/a vacation
  • J. Schmitz
  • 10.03.2023
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Spe­a­king exer­ci­se

Re­mem­ber to speak Eng­lish only.

Talk to your part­ner about a me­mo­ra­ble ho­li­day they have been on.
(3 mi­nu­tes each)
  • Each per­son should take turns sha­ring their story with their part­ner for about 2-3 mi­nu­tes.
  • You will need to re­mem­ber their story, take notes if necess­a­ry.
  • Ask follow-​up ques­ti­ons if you want to know more.
Find ano­ther part­ner in the class­room and re­tell your for­mer part­ner's story to your new part­ner.
(2 mi­nu­tes each)

Help and sug­ges­tions:


  • Des­tin­a­tion: The place you trav­elled to
  • Ac­com­mod­a­tion: The place you stayed, such as a hotel, hostel, or Airbnb
  • Sight­see­ing: Vis­it­ing pop­u­lar tour­ist at­trac­tions in a city or area
  • Re­lax­ing: Tak­ing it easy and en­joy­ing down­time dur­ing the trip
  • Cul­ture: Learn­ing about the cus­toms and tra­di­tions of the place you vis­ited
  • Food: Try­ing local cuisine and din­ing ex­per­i­ences
  • Activ­it­ies: Ex­cur­sions, ad­ven­tures, or events you par­ti­cip­ated in dur­ing the trip
  • Souvenir: A small item you bought to re­mem­ber your trip by

Follow-​up ques­tions

  • What was your des­tin­a­tion?
  • Where did you stay while you were there?
  • What were some of the pop­u­lar at­trac­tions you saw or activ­it­ies you did?
  • Did you do any­thing for re­lax­a­tion or down­time?
  • Did you ex­per­i­ence any new cul­tures or tra­di­tions dur­ing your trip?
  • What was the most mem­or­able thing you ate dur­ing your trip?
  • Did you bring home any souven­irs? What were they?