• Talking about the future
  • anonym
  • 16.03.2023
  • Englisch
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Tal­king about the fu­ture

Pre­sent simp­le

Ti­me­ta­bled events, e.g. TV pro­gram­me or train de­par­tu­re (ti­me­ta­bled fu­ture)

The hair salon opens at 8 o'clock.

Pre­sent con­ti­nuous

Per­so­nal ar­ran­ge­ments (diary fu­ture)

I am get­ting my hair cut next week.

Going to + in­fi­ni­ti­ve

Pre­dic­tions (when you can see the evi­den­ce)

Look at the clouds. It's going to rain.

De­ci­si­ons al­re­a­dy made

I'm going to get my hair cut.

Will + in­fi­ni­ti­ve

Pre­dic­tions (based on no evi­den­ce)

I think it will rain in a few days.

De­ci­si­ons made at the time of spe­a­king (spon­ta­neous)

I will get my hair cut.

Talk for a mi­nu­te about each of the fol­lo­wing, using the cor­rect fu­ture tense. You may also write down one ex­amp­le sen­tence for each:
  • 1) Your ar­ran­ge­ments for this evening.


  • 2) Your in­ten­ti­ons for the rest of the year.


  • 3) Your pre­dic­tions for the pla­net for 2050.


Pre­dic­tions can be based on evi­den­ce or no evi­den­ce.

When tal­king about your pre­dic­tions for the pla­net for 2050, you can use both will-​future or going-​to fu­ture, de­pen­ding on whe­ther there is evi­den­ce or not.


I think there will be fly­ing cars in 2050.

Sci­en­tists say that Ve­nice is going to be floo­ded

by 2050. (Wis­sen­schaft­ler haben Be­wei­se dafür.)

ar­ran­ge­ment = Ver­ein­ba­rung

in­ten­ti­on = Ab­sicht

pre­dic­tion = Vor­her­sa­ge

evi­den­ce = Be­weis/Hin­weis
